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Ignalina : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


Management and Operational Safety

  • All symptom-based emergency operating instructions were drafted.

  • Operator exchanges that trained plant personnel to develop improved operating safety procedures and practices were completed.

  • A complete set of management and operational control procedures that promote safety through improved operating practices was developed and implemented at the plant.

  • A configuration management system was developed and implemented.

  • The transfer of training technology and materials developed at the Balakovo Training Center to the Ignalina nuclear power plant was completed and 10 planned pilot courses were implemented.

  • State-of-the-art machines to cut pipes in critical safety systems precisely and prepare piping ends for welding were provided. Previously, workers cut pipes needing replacement by hand, which caused inaccurate welding and potential leakage.

  • Ignalina maintenance technicians are using U.S.-supplied valve-seat resurfacing equipment to repair leaking valves at the plant. U.S. specialists provided associated training.

  • Vibration monitoring and shaft alignment systems to detect and correct imbalances and shaft misalignment in rotating machinery were provided. U.S. specialists provided associated training.

Engineering and Technology Upgrades

  • The design, manufacture, and installation of an upgrade to the control-and-protection system for Unit 1 were completed. The upgraded system substantially reduces the risk of anticipated transients without scram, which were found to dominate the risk of operation of the unit.

  • Modern electronic instrumentation modules are being provided to replace outdated modules at Unit 2. All of the modules (300) are scheduled to be installed during the first outage of 1999.

Plant Safety Evaluations

  • Descriptions of RBMK reactor safety systems (includ- ing nominal plant parameters) were documented in the Ignalina Plant Parameter Source Book. The source book contains the most definitive data available for the RBMK-1500 reactor safety systems and has received broad international distribution.

  • Software, hardware, and training on the use and application of probabilistic risk assessment software were transferred to the Ignalina plant.

  • An RBMK thermal-hydraulic safety analysis model was developed for the plant.

  • An interactive nuclear plant analyzer was developed to perform safety evaluations and analyses using RELAP5 thermal-hydraulic computer models of the Ignalina RBMK reactor.

  • A pressure tube gap closure thermal-hydraulic analysis was completed. Detailed stress analysis of the pressure tube and associated hardware was completed.

Ignalina : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


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The content was last modified on 02/26/99 .

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