Activity Report
December 6, 1996 Prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,
Washington RUSSIA
Balakovo Trainers Implement Water Chemistry Training Course. A
team from U.S. contractor Sonalysts, Inc. worked with personnel from
Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) to implement the pilot training course
for water chemistry personnel. The course was presented over four days
and included both classroom and laboratory training sessions. (Sonja
Working Group Discusses Chornobyl Shelter Project. U.S.
experts and contractor Stone & Webster Engineering Company, coordinator
of the U.S. European Commission Project team, participated in meetings in
Paris and Slavutych to review the results and recommendations of the
Chornobyl Shelter Project. The G-7 Nuclear Safety Working Group
conducted the meeting in Paris; the Chornobyl Shelter Manager chaired the
meeting in Slavutych, which was attended by representatives of several
Ukrainian ministries and institutes, including the Ukrainian Nuclear
Regulatory Administration. The consensus on short-term measures is
that they are appropriate and should be implemented quickly. Consen- sus
was not reached on long-term measures, largely due to the complexity and
funding issues associated with the Ukrainian position that removing
fuel-containing masses must proceed as soon as possible. The U.S. team
proposed a process for developing implementation, finance, and management
plans, including a proposal to initiate early starts on appropriate
short-term measures. (Dennis Kreid, PNNL, 509-375-2170) New
Equipment Will Monitor Criticality Safety. U.S. technical experts
discussed the criticality safety of fuel debris in the Shelter with
representatives from the Chornobyl NPP, Khlopin Radium Institute, and
VNIPIET. Participants reached agreement on specifications for monitoring
equipment that will provide real-time indications of fuel debris
neutronic characteristics. (Dennis Kreid, PNNL, 509-375-2170)
CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Technical Support Given for
Bulgarian Emergency Operation Instructions Development. A report
summarizing the predicted results from applying the RELAP5 computer code
to an accident scenario for Kozloduy Unit 5 (VVER-1000) has been
transmitted to the Kozloduy emergency operating instruction (EOI) team.
The accident scenario is a trip of all four main coolant pumps, with
SCRAM, and the transition of the plant to natural circulation conditions.
The Kozloduy plant staff requested the predicted response to this
accident sequence to support their ongoing EOI development and
establishment of a technical basis. The Kozloduy EOI team requested that
their technical expert resident at Brookhaven National Laboratory conduct
an additional two transient calculations related to specific EOIs. (Greg
Consultancy Meeting Held in Richland. International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) consultants met with Program staff of Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. The meetings
focused on sharing United States experience in establishing spent fuel
dry storage temperature limits accepted by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. A second aspect of the meeting was COBRA-SFS Code training
for Hungarian and Ukrainian staff members. The COBRA-SFS Code predicts
spent fuel temperatures in dry storage. Both activities support IAEA
programs that were developed on the recommendation of the IAEA-coordinated
Association of VVER Regulators that involves ten countries including the
U.S. The U.S. efforts on developing dry storage criteria for
Zircaloy-clad spent fuel are expected to help refine an experimental
program sponsored by IAEA. VNIPIET will characterize the performance of
Zircaloy 1% niobium cladding used for VVER fuel. The IAEA will
distribute information from the study to countries, reactor operators,
and regulatory agencies needing it to qualify dry storage technologies.
An IAEA program makes the COBRA-SFS code available to all VVER reactor
operators and regulators. This will help reactor operators and regulators
predict storage temperatures in proposed dry storage facilities. IAEA
has contracted with Hungary to make necessary modifications to the
COBRA-SFS code to better model the hexagonal VVER fuel assemblies. (Mikal
McKinnon, PNNL, 509-372-4198) PLANNED ACTIVITIES
"*" indicates the event is a new item or has been changed from the last
report. *December 7-13 -- St. Petersburg
and Sosnovy Bor, Russia. A U.S. expert will participate
in the first of a series of Leningrad NPP probabilistic safety assessment
(PSA) working group meetings in accordance with the project schedule.
Objectives include resolving current development issues, scheduling
activities, and completing development tasks. The U.S. expert will
provide technical support to Leningrad plant staff, assist with project
activities, and review compliance with contracted deliverables.
Developing PSA system descriptions supports the needs of the PSA and
deterministic safety assessment working groups. (Walt Pasedag, DOE,
301-903-3628) December 7-17 -- Moscow, Russia.
U.S. team members will meet with representatives of the Kurchatov
Institute and Gosatomnadzor to determine details of program support
to RELAP5 validation efforts for its applications to VVER and RBMK
safety analyses in Russia. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628)
December 8-13 -- Slavutych, Ukraine. Technical staff from
the U.S. program and contractor Parsons Power Group, Inc., will present a
conceptual design of dust suppression equipment to Chornobyl NPP
staff. Discussions will cover specifications for radio
communications, fall-protection equipment, filters, vacuums, and other
tools to meet regulatory restraints and customer needs. (Frank
Goldner, DOE, 301-902-2025) *Date changed December 9-10 --
Taipei, Taiwan. DOE and Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory representatives will give a presentation on U.S. Program
efforts to upgrade the safety of Soviet-designed nuclear power plants.
(Dennis Meyers, DOE, 301-903-1418) December 9-10 --
Dimitrovgrad, Russia. Program staff will discuss courses
on the Systematic Approach to training with representatives of the
Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, to improve the
performance of personnel and the safety of the research reactors.
(Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) December 9-13 -- Argonne,
Illinois. A meeting will be held at Argonne National
Laboratory (ANL) for the Novovoronezh Units 3 and 4 safety
assessment. The detailed workscope and an estimated schedule and effort
will be developed. Participants from Rosenergoatom, Novovoronezh
NPP, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), and ANL
are expected to attend. (Jordi Roglans, ANL, 630-252-3283) (Workshop No.
96-139, Travel Coordinator Gail Flora, PNNL, 509-375-6554)
*December 9-19, 1996 -- Washington, D.C.; Indian Point 3 NPP;
Fitzpatrick NPP, USA. Delegates from Russia and Ukraine
will participate in workshops on safe shutdown analysis. Presentations
will be made by U.S. team members and representatives from Bechtel,
Burns & Roe, University of Maryland, and Engineering Planning and
Management, Inc. (EPM). Meetings will be held with NRC and U.S.
utility staff. Participants will tour two NPPs to examine upgrades to
satisfy fire safety requirements. The purpose of these workshops is
to determine how to modify the Reactor Core Protection Evaluation
Methodology for adoption as standards in Russia and Ukraine. (Rich
Denning, PNNL, 614-424-7412) December 9-20 -- Balakovo NPP,
Russia. Sonalysts, Inc. staff will work with Balakovo NPP
training staff in the continued development of the Instrumentation
and Control Technician and Radiation Protection Technician training
programs. (Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) December 11-12
-- Moscow, Russia. U.S. program staff will meet with
technology transfer participants to discuss program progress. (Sonja
Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) (Workshop No. 96-091; Travel Coordinator Gail
Flora, PNNL, 509-375-6554) *December 11-20 -- Kyiv and Slavutych,
Ukraine. U.S. program staff will upgrade key components of
the telecommunications links to the United States, train Ukrainian
technical staff on satellite computer network maintenance, and oversee the
first computer video- conference at the Chornobyl Center. (George
Sherwood, DOE, 301-903-4162) *December 14-19 --Kyiv and
Slavutych, Ukraine. U.S. experts will discuss development of
the Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and
Radioecology with the G-7 Nuclear Safety Working Group. They will
evaluate potential facilities to house the center and discuss the
possibility of Italian participation with representatives of that
country. (Kristen Suokko, DOE, 202-586-5559) December
16-20 -- Augusta, Georgia, USA. Plans are being made to
bring nondestructive examination specialists from Russia and Ukraine to
the United States to observe U.S. nondestructive examination
practices. Tentative plans include visits to the Savannah River
Site and Vogtle NPP to observe how the inspection program is developed and
revised. (Robert Moffitt, PNNL, 509-372-4108) (Workshop No. 96-108;
Travel Coordinator Gail Flora, PNNL, 509-375-6554)
December 16-20, 1996 Moscow, Russia. The Kola In-Depth
Safety Analysis (KOLISA) project team will review progress on the
completion of KOLISA Project Guidelines as well as the status of the
RELAP5 input deck for Kola Unit 4. Expected to attend are
representatives from ANL, Science Applications International Corporation,
and the KOLISA project team. (Jeff Binder, ANL, 630-252-7265)
December 16-20 --Parr, South Carolina.
Representatives from VVER-440/213 working groups will meet for emergency
operating instruction training with U.S. experts at V.C. Summer NPP.
(Larry Sherfey, PNNL, 509-372-4080) (Workshop No. 96-105; Travel
Coordinator Gail Flora, PNNL, 509-375-6654) December 16-21 --
London, England. A U.S. program technical expert will attend
the Ignalina Safety Panel review meeting for the Ignalina Safety
Analysis Report (SAR) and the reports of the SAR task teams. The expert
will help the safety panel draft the final report summary and
determine how it might be applied beneficially by the Lithuanian
regulator. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628) TBD --
Zaporizhzhya NPP, Ukraine. A VVER-1000 EOI working group
meeting will be held at Zaporizhzhya NPP. Representatives from all
VVER-1000 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)
(Workshop No. 96-103; Travel Coordinator Melinda Stone, PNNL,
509-375-4391) January 13-17 -- Moscow, Russia. A
course on the Systematic Approach to Training will be given in Moscow for
participants of the training technology transfer program. (Sonja
Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) (Workshop No. 97-003; Travel Coordinator
Melinda Stone, PNNL, 509-375-4391) *TBD -- Kursk NPP,
Russia. Sonalysts, Inc. staff will work with Kursk NPP
training staff to develop a training program on Mechanical
Maintenance as part of the training technology transfer program. (Sonja
Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) January 13-24 -- Balakovo NPP,
Russia. Sonalysts, Inc. and Balakovo NPP training staff will
implement the pilot training course for Instrumentation and Control
Technicians. Sonalysts staff will work with Balakovo NPP training staff
to continue developing the Safety Inspector training course. (Sonja
Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) (Workshop No. 97-004; Travel Coordinator
Melinda Stone, PNNL, 509-375-4391) *January 13-24 -- Washington,
DC; Fitzpatrick NPP, USA. Instructors from the U.S. Program
and contractors Bechtel, Burns & Roe, the University of Maryland, and
EPM will train Russian NPP staff and regulators in the Reactor Core
Protection Evaluation Methodology, which will be applied in a pilot
study in Russia. (Rich Denning, PNNL, 614-424-7412) January
25-February 8 -- Chornobyl NPP, Ukraine. Sonalysts, Inc. and
General Physics Corporation will work with the Chornobyl NPP training
development group on the Control Room Reactor Operator and Radiation
Protection Technician training courses. (Sonja Haber, BNL,
516-344-3575) January 26-February 7 -- Khmelnytskyy NPP,
Ukraine. General Physics Corporation will assist
Khmelnytskyy NPP implement the pilot Chemical Operator training
course. (Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) January 26 -February
21 -- Aiken, South Carolina. As part of the training
technology transfer program, representatives from Russian VVERs and
Bilibino NPP will attend a course on the Systematic Approach to
Training and instructor skills. General Physics and Sonalysts staff
will present the course, which includes a visit to a U.S. NPP training
center. (Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) (Workshop No. 97-005;
Travel Coordinator Melinda Stone, PNNL, 509-375-4391) *January
29-February 7 -- Washington, D.C.; Fitzpatrick NPP, USA.
Instructors from the U.S. team and contractors Bechtel, Burns & Roe, the
University of Maryland, and EPM will train Ukrainian NPP staff and
regulators in the Reactor Core Protection Evaluation Methodology,
which will be applied in a pilot study in Ukraine. (Rich Denning, PNNL,
614-424-7412) February 3-14 -- Trnava, Slovakia.
Sonalysts, Inc. and General Physics Corporation will present a workshop on
the systematic approach to training at the Trnava Training Center.
(Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) *February 3-14 -- Balakovo NPP,
Russia. Sonalysts, Inc. staff will meet with Balakovo NPP
training staff to assist in implementing the Radiation Protection
Technician pilot training course. Personnel from the Chornobyl NPP
training staff will also attend. (Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575)
*February 17-24 -- Waterford, Connecticut. Staff
from the Balakovo NPP will work with U.S. contractor Sonalysts, Inc. to
develop materials for the Safety Inspector training program.
(Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) February 24-March 7 -- Aiken,
South Carolina, USA. Representatives from the Trnava
Training Center will attend a workshop on instructor skills at General
Physics Corporation facilities in Aiken. (Sonja Haber, BNL,
516-344-3575) (Workshop No. 97-006; Travel Coordinator Melinda
Stone, PNNL, 509-375-4391) March 17-21 -- Trnava,
Slovakia. Sonalysts, Inc. will implement the Simulator
Instructor training course at the Trnava Training Center. (Sonja
Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) *March 17-28 -- Chornobyl NPP,
Ukraine. General Physics Corporation will work with the
Chornobyl NPP training development group on Control Room Reactor
Operator and Radiation Protection Technician training courses. (Sonja
Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575) *March 17-28 -- Waterford,
Connecticut. Personnel from the Chornobyl NPP training
development group will work with staff from Sonalysts, Inc. on the
Radiation Protection Technician training course. (Sonja Haber, BNL,
516-344-3575) *Date Changed March 17-28 -- Khmelnytskyy NPP,
Ukraine. General Physics Corporation will work with staff of
Khmelnytskyy NPP on the Control Room Reactor Operator training
course. (Sonja Haber, BNL, 516-344-3575)
Argonne National Laboratory | BNL | Brookhaven National
Laboratory | CEEC | Central and Eastern European Countries | Derzhkomatom | Ukrainian State Committee
on Nuclear Energy Utilization | DOE |
U.S. Department of Energy | EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development | EOI | emergency operating instruction (EOIs aid in the operation,
management, and control of plant emergencies; they define the actions
that reactor operators must take to stabilize the reactor and mitigate
the consequences of an accident or abnormal event.) | GAN | Gosatomnadzor (Russian
organization responsible for regulating the safety of nuclear
reactors and fuel cycle enterprises) | GET
| General Energy Technologies (a joint venture of
VNIIAES and S3 Technologies) | Gidropress
| Experimental Design Institute (responsible for VVER
reactor design, steam generator design and manufacturing, and
thermal-hydraulic code development and testing) | Goscomatom | Ukrainian State Committee on
Nuclear Power Utilization | IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | IBRAE | Russian Academy of Sciences
Nuclear Safety Institute (independent organization specializing in the
development of nuclear safety computer analysis methods) |
INPO | Institute of Nuclear Power
Operations | INSP | U.S. International Nuclear Safety Program | IPPE | Kola in-depth safety
analysis | KOLISA | Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (Obninsk,
Russia) | Kurchatov Institute | Russian scientific center that designs power reactors, research
reactors, fuel, fuel cycle facilities, space nuclear reactors; conducts
economic and policy studies, metallurgical research, fusion
research | LEI | Lithuanian Energy Institute | Minatom | Ministry of Atomic Energy of
the Russian Federation (responsible for developing nuclear reactors and
for fuel cycle enterprises) | MOHT |
consortium of 7-8 companies that include Gidropress,
Kurchatov Institute, and VNIIAES | NDE
| nondestructive evaluation | NIIAR | Research Institute of Atomic
Reactors | NOVISA | Novovoronezh in-depth safety analysis | NPA | nuclear plant analyzer |
NPP | nuclear power plant
| PNNL | Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory | PRA |
probabilistic risk assessment | RDIPE | Research and Development Institute
of Power Engineering (the research branch of NIKIET; main designer of
Russian RBMK reactors ) | RBMK | Reaktor Bolshio Moschnosti Kipyashchiy (Soviet-designed,
graphite-moderated, boiling water-cooled, channel reactor) |
REA | Rosenergoatom (a business
concern of Minatom responsible for all nuclear power plant operations
except the Leningrad nuclear power plant) | TBD | to be determined |
USAID | U.S. Agency for
International Development | VNIIAES
| Russian Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operations
(assists in nuclear power plant startup, operations, and training;
manufactures full-scope and analytical simulators) | VNIPIET | All-Russian Planning and Design,
Research and Technological Association | VVER | Vodo-Vodyanoy Energeticheskyi Reactor
( Soviet-designed pressurized water reactor) | WANO | World Association of Nuclear
Operators | Note: in the interest of providing a
timely update on the Soviet-Designed-Reactor Safety Program, no formal
document review of this weekly report has been conducted by DOE or PNNL.