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Activity Report

May 24, 1996
Prepared by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington


VVER-440/213 Meeting. Representatives of the VVER-440/213 working group discussed the emergency operating instruction (EOI) analysis work to be conducted at Gidropress, VNIIAES, and the Kurchatov Institute for Kola and Rivne nuclear power plants (NPPs). They met in Moscow, Russia, on May 14-15, 1996, to focus on calculations that have been performed for probabilistic risk assessment and EOI development at Dukovany (Czech Republic) and Bohunice (Slovakia) NPPs. As a result of feedback obtained at this meeting, the representatives drafted a list of additional calculations necessary for EOI development. The meeting included representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Gidropress, Kola NPP, the Kurchatov Institute, the Nuclear Reactor Institute-Rez (Czech Republic), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Rosenergoatom, the Russian Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operations (VNIIAES), and the Slovakian Research Institute (VUJE). PNNL signed a basic ordering agreement with MOHT, representing the Russian design organizations. However, no task orders were signed due to disagreement as to who would approve the results of the analysis work. Task order negotiations are continuing to resolve this issue. This will further delay EOI calculations for VVER-440/213 reactors. (Larry Sherfey, PNNL, 509-372-4080)

Smolensk (RBMK) EOI Development. Payment was made to Smolensk NPP for task 1 of the EOI development contract. Task 1 includes developing a project plan, organizing the project team, developing a schedule, and coordinating with support organizations. Smolensk NPP continues to work on task 2, which consists of the first draft of the EOIs and supporting documentation of the technical bases. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

KOLISA Project. Representatives from Kola NPP and PNNL signed task orders 3 and 4 in Moscow on May 16, 1996. These tasks will continue work on the Kola In-Depth Safety Analysis (KOLISA) Project. Task order 2 was signed by PNNL; the Kola representative will sign after discussion with a representative from the Kurchatov Institute. (Douglas A. Dahl, PNNL, 509-375-6855)

Kalinin Full-Scope Simulator Project. PNNL signed the contract for task order 6 for the power distribution center and power supply units for the Kalinin NPP full-scope simulator project. This task order has been sent to General Energy Technologies (GET) for their signature. PNNL is currently awaiting additional proposal information from GET for task order 7. (Peter Kohut, BNL, 516-344-4982)

Novovoronezh Analytical Simulator. S3 Technologies has submitted a proposal for an analytical simulator at Novovoronezh NPP. The technical proposal and financial proposal are undergoing evaluation by PNNL. (Peter Kohut, BNL, 516-344-4982)


Instrumentation and Control Upgrades. Representatives from DOE, the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), and PNNL met with Goscomatom in Kyiv on May 13-14, 1996, to discuss instrumentation and control upgrade projects. Work was initiated to provide safety parameter display systems at Chornobyl NPP Unit 3 and two units at Rivne NPP. (Rich Reister, DOE, 301-903-0234)

Reactor Core Protection Evaluation Guidelines and Fire Safety Upgrades. Representatives from DOE met with 18 Ukrainian representatives from the power plants, design institutes, fire protection service, and Goscomatom regarding the final comments on the Reactor Core Protection Evaluation Guidelines and the performance of fire hazard analysis at plants in Ukraine. The Ukrainian representatives expressed significant interest and need for performing this analysis at their plants. A plan was outlined on how to make the Reactor Core Protection Evaluation Guidelines into a Ukrainian standard. (Rich Reister, DOE, 301-903-0234)

South Ukraine Unit 1 Full-Scope Simulator. PNNL finalized the statement of work for the U.S. funded tasks for the South Ukraine Unit 1 full-scope simulator. PNNL is waiting for a response from the South Ukraine NPP on the specifics for the simulation computer and for selection of the manufacturer for the control panels. (Peter Kohut, BNL, 516-344-4982)

South Ukraine Unit 3 Full-Scope Simulator. PNNL is waiting for additional proposal information from S3 Technologies to continue review of the proposal for the South Ukraine Unit 3 full-scope simulator. Because of a large reduction in the price of Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) servers with R8000 CPUs, consideration is being given to purchase this server as the main computer for the simulator instead of the server with R4400 CPUs. (Peter Kohut, BNL, 516-344-4982)

Chornobyl Analytical Simulator. S3 Technologies has submitted a proposal for an analytical simulator at Chornobyl NPP. The technical proposal and financial proposal are undergoing evaluation by PNNL. (Peter Kohut, BNL, 516-344-4982)


Kozloduy Nuclear Plant Analyzer. The preliminary steps needed to create an input deck for VVER- 440/230 power for Kozloduy NPP Unit 3 (Bulgaria) have begun. The effort started by isolating the steam generator and reactor vessel as separate components. The information from the plant is being reviewed for completeness and to identify any missing data. Bulgarian specialists are writing a report describing a VVER-1000 model developed for Kozloduy Unit 6. The first two chapters have been drafted. (Greg Slovik, BNL, 516-344-7983)

Kozloduy NPP. Staff from Kozloduy NPP requested help in assembling the mobile diesel generator that was delivered to them. The appropriate information was sent to them. The mobile diesel generator will allow the plant to maintain safe levels of operation if a common fault failure should occur in the power supply system. The NPP staff also requested the status of the thermal imaging device to detect problems in a cable tray. The company that is delivering the device is in the process of obtaining the export license and will keep Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) informed on the process. A delivery date will be established after the export license from the U.S. Commerce Department is obtained, which may take 6-8 weeks. (Bob Fitzpatrick, BNL, 516-344-7204)

Bohunice Nuclear Plant Analyzer. Staff from BNL are reviewing plant data from an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report for the geometrical information needed to develop a plant-specific model for Bohunice NPP (Slovakia). Preliminary pressure drops and temperature distributions within the reactor vessel have been calculated and will be used until more accurate data is received from the plant. (Greg Slovik, BNL, 516-344-7983)


May 24-27 -- Trnava, Slovakia Republic.
Staff from BNL and DOE will participate in the Slovak program review meeting, including a meeting with local USAID representatives. (Dennis Meyers, DOE, 202-586-7834)

May 24-June 1 -- Kola NPP, Russia.
BNL staff will travel to the Kola NPP during a planned outage to 1) visually examine the condition of the confinement sealant, and 2) represent the Soviet- Designed-Reactor Safety Program when confinement pressurization tests and leakage tests are done on the reactor confinement. (Richard Reister, DOE, 301-903-0234)

May 26-29 -- Smolensk NPP, Russia.
Staff from PNNL, Nuclid and Smolensk NPP will discuss the role of the new contract participant, contracting issues, and the present level of NPP support for EOI development. (Sam McKay, PNNL, 509-372-4059)

May 27 -- Dukovany NPP, Czech Republic.
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), BNL, and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) staff will discuss the scope of assistance for verifying and validating the Dukovany NPP EOI procedures and the hydrogen generation calculations that are planned. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628)

May 28 -- Nuclear Research Institute Rez, Czech Republic.
Staff from ANL, BNL, and SAIC will discuss the draft work scope for Rez to support additional plant transient analysis calculations for EOI development and the participation of Rez staff and others in the plant safety evaluation project. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628)

May 29-30 -- Sofia, Bulgaria.
Staff from BNL and DOE will meet with Bulgarian stakeholders and USAID/Bulgaria for Bulgaria's program review. (Dennis Meyers, DOE, 202-586-7834)

June 1-5 -- Moscow, Russia.
Staff from BNL and DOE will discuss recent initiatives by the Russians for analyzing the risk from fires at nuclear power plants. The Russians are undertaking a fire risk study for units at Balakova and Smolensk NPPs. (Chuck Ramsey, DOE, 301-903-5999)

June 3 -- Rivne NPP, Ukraine.
The VVER-440/213 working group will hold its quarterly meeting at Rivne NPP. The group will review EOIs produced at participating NPPs, NPP training plans, and NPP plans for verification and validation of EOIs. U.S. utility representatives will present the U.S. methodology on related topics. The meeting will also follow up on outstanding issues from the last meeting in November 1995. The working group will review information from the EOI analysis meeting held in Moscow, Russia, in May. (Larry Sherfey, PNNL, 509-372-4080)

June 3-4 -- Moscow, Russia.
Representatives of BNL, DOE, and PNNL will meet with VNIIAES, Rosenergoatom and the State Fire Service of Russia to discuss cooperation in fire risk and safe shutdown studies at Russian NPPs. (Chuck Ramsey, DOE, 301-903-5999)

June 10-14 -- Doel NPP, Belgium.
The project team for developing and implementing management and operational controls procedures will meet at Doel NPP, Belgium. The meeting is being coordinated by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO). This location was chosen to allow the opportunity to study the implementation of similar procedures at a non-U.S. and non-Soviet designed NPP. The team will also conduct technical reviews of draft procedures and take the necessary steps to complete implementation of the procedures at pilot plants in countries with Soviet-designed NPPs. Attendees include representatives from Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, and the United States. (Dennis Meyers, DOE, 202-586-7834)

June 10-12 -- Prague, Czech Republic.
The next program review covering U. S. assistance to the Czech Republic is scheduled for June 10-12, 1996, in Prague. Based on information obtained at this review, the U.S. team will make recommendations to DOE management for future funding. The last review meeting was held in March 1995. (Nicholas Grossman, DOE, 301-903-3299)

June 11-20 -- Novovoronezh NPP and Moscow, Russia.
Staff from ANL, DOE, and PNNL will meet with representatives from Novovoronezh NPP to discuss plant-specific safety assessments. They will also meet with representatives of the Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering (RDIPE) to continue negotiations for the Leningrad plant specific safety assessment. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628)

June 15-22 -- Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Savannah River Site.
Representatives from the Russian regulatory agency GAN will attend a seminar titled "Quality Assurance in Research Reactors and Fuel Facilities." They will receive an overview of quality assurance as applied to research reactors in the United States when they visit BNL, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), and the Savannah River Site June 15-22, 1996. (Jan van Erp, ANL, 708-252-3381; Ted Ginsberg, BNL, 516-344-2620)

June 13-17 -- Budapest, Hungary.
The next program review covering U. S. assistance to Hungary is scheduled for June 13-17, 1996, in Budapest. Based on information obtained at this review, the U.S. team will make recommendations to DOE management for future funding. The last review meeting was held in March 1995. (Nicholas Grossman, DOE, 301-903-3299)

June 23-29 -- Moscow, Russia.
Staff from ANL will meet with the Kola In-Depth Safety Analysis (KOLISA) project members to review project guidelines and conduct a plant walkdown, and to introduce human reliability concepts. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628)

*June 24-28 -- Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria.
There will be an EOI development workshop at Kozloduy NPP. Participants will include representatives from all VVER-440/230 and VVER-1000 NPPs. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*July 22-August 2 -- Metsamor NPP, Armenia.
There will be a VVER-440/230 EOI working group meeting at Metsamor NPP. Representatives from all VVER-440/230 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

July TBD -- Kursk NPP, Russia.
Staff from BNL and a U.S. equipment manufacturer will visit Kursk NPP in Russia to train plant staff in the use of ultrasonic testing equipment and a re-engineered high temperature suit, which have been recently delivered to the site. (Jim Guppy, BNL, 516-344-2698)

*August 26-30 -- Kola NPP, Russia.
There will be a VVER-440/213 EOI working group meeting at Kola NPP. Representatives from all VVER-440/213 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*August 26-30 -- Ignalina NPP, Lithuania.
There will be an RBMK EOI working group meeting at Ignalina NPP. Representatives from all RBMK NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*September 9-13 -- Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria.
There will be a VVER-1000 EOI working group meeting at Kozloduy NPP. Representatives from all VVER-1000 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*November 4-8 -- Kozloduy NPP, Bulgaria.
There will be a VVER-440/230 EOI working group meeting at Kozloduy NPP. Representatives from all VVER-440/230 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*November 4-8 -- Zaporizhzhya NPP, Ukraine.
There will be a VVER-1000 EOI working group meeting at Zaporizhzhya NPP. Representatives from all VVER-1000 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*November 18-22 -- Smolensk NPP, Russia.
There will be an RBMK EOI working group meeting at Smolensk NPP. Representatives from all RBMK NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

*December 9-13 -- Bohunice NPP, Slovakia.
There will be a VVER-440/213 EOI working group meeting at Bohunice NPP. Representatives from all VVER-440/213 NPPs are scheduled to attend. (Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068)

"*" indicates the event is a new item or has been changed from the last report.

Note: in the interest of providing a timely update on the Soviet-Designed-Reactor Safety Program, no formal document review of this weekly report has been conducted by DOE or PNNL.


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