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Chornobyl Report
PDF Version (86Kb)--view with the free Adobe reader. Ukraine approvals further Chornobyl Unit 1 shutdown and deactivation planThe shutdown plan for Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) Unit 1 was signed recently by the Ukraine Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety. The plan outlines activities for defueling the Unit 1 reactor core by the end of 1999. It was prepared jointly by staff from Unit 1 and the Slavutych Laboratory for International Research and Technology in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) International Nuclear Safety Program (INSP). Approval by the Ukraine Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety is in addition to approvals obtained already from the general director and chief engineer of Chornobyl NPP, the president of Energoatom, the Ukraine Nuclear Regulatory Administration, the Ukraine State Department of Nuclear Energy, and the Ukraine Ministry of Energy. Approvals still are to be obtained from the Ukraine Ministries of Finance and Economy. The Comprehensive Engineering and Radiation Survey (CERS) Plan for Unit 1 has been reviewed and approved by 18 of 19 Chornobyl NPP group and department managers. The chief engineer for Chornobyl NPP now is reviewing the plan for final approval. Implementation of the CERS Plan is on schedule to begin by October 1, 1998. Equipment clears customs, arrives at Chornobyl site
Several new shipments of U.S.-supplied industrial safety equipment have cleared Ukrainian customs and been delivered to the Chornobyl site. This equipment is essential to protecting workers involved in Shelter stabilization activities. One recent site delivery is a Quad 6 computer and associated software that will electronically organize and store digital photographs and mechanical drawing images of various Shelter locations. Another is a wet/dry vacuum that will aid in suppressing the radioactive dust that endangers Shelter workers and can escape through holes in the Shelter. Customs documentation is being prepared for clearance of vacuum-cleaning and ventilation systems to support the radiation dose reduction activities at the Shelter. Several other shipments of industrial safety equipment are awaiting clearance. Richland representatives learn more about Community Partnership Program
The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation in July 1998 awarded the INSP a U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) grant to participate in the foundation's Community Partnership Program linking Ukrainian and U.S. communities. The first orientation meeting for the U.S. communities was hosted by the foundation on September 18 and 19 in Kansas City, Missouri. Representatives from six U.S. communities attended. Those from Richland, Washington, included LoAnn Ayers, Washington State University Tri-Cities Business LINKS Program, and Tatyana Colgan, INSP.
Foundation president Nadia McConnell spoke to the group about the foundation's activities in Ukraine, which focus on municipal and economic development and citizen participation. Activities include the establishment of four regional training centers in Lviv, Donetsk, Cherkasy, and Kherson; assistance with establishing the Ukrainian Association of Cities; and formation of the Pylyp Orluk Institute for Democracy.
Meeting participants also met with the Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Yuri Scherbak. Scherbak conveyed his country's appreciation for the
U.S-Ukraine Conference planned for NovemberThe United States is assisting Ukraine with developing its private sector and commercializing Ukrainian nuclear technologies and products in the United States and other countries. DOE will host a conference on nuclear trade and commerce in Washington, D.C., Nov. 9 and 10. The two-day conference will feature presentations by U.S. and Ukrainian industry leaders, Ukrainian trade and government officials, U.S. government representatives, and international financial specialists. Among the speakers representing Chornobyl NPP is Valentin Koupny, manager of the Chornobyl Shelter, who will discuss commercial opportunities in the Shelter Improvement Plan. Approximately 120 participants, one-third from Ukraine, are expected to attend. PMU reports progressMembers of the Project Management Unit (PMU) consultant team working on safety improvements to the Chornobyl Shelter made considerable progress in recent months with the awarding of three of the project's four early biddable contracts for civil engineering, operations and monitoring services, and emergency systems. The team now is reviewing the fourth package for fuel-containing material management. PMU staffing and mobilization activities are complete, with 24 BechtelElectricite' de France (EDF)Battelle representatives in Slavutych. The team works with Chornobyl NPP management and staff to provide leadership on technical projects, operations and business programs, and licensing and regulatory strategies. News items and comments can be directed to INSP Communications, (509) 372-6015, or e-mail See also Chornobyl Initiatives/General Information on Chornobyl and the Biweekly Report Archive. |
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