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Safety Improvements at the Chornobyl Shelter

Worker Protection

The United States is working with Ukraine to address immediate risks so work can begin to prevent collapse of the shelter and construct a new shelter to cover the current one. In May 1996, U.S. experts examined working conditions inside the shelter and consulted with Ukrainian officials to identify the most pressing needs for equipment to protect the workers.

More than 800 workers currently conduct shelter surveillance and maintenance. As work at the shelter increases, so will the number of workers and their exposure to radiation and other hazards.

The United States now is providing equipment and training for worker safety in four primary areas: radiation dose reduction, nuclear criticality monitoring, dust suppression, and industrial safety. In addition, U.S. experts are providing technical support for stabilizing a ventilation stack shared by reactor Units 3 and 4--an urgent short-term measure for worker and nuclear safety. Funded by the United States and Canada, the stabilization work will be completed by mid-1998.

| The 1986 Disaster/The Unstable Shelter | Closure of the Chornobyl Plant | Preventing Collapse of the Shelter | Worker Protection | Additional Safety Projects |


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The content was last modified on 05/11/98 .

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