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INSP Contractor Information Exchange Logo

Attendee Evaluation:

Contractor Information Exchange

Workshop Session
Wednesday, January 21

What is your overall evaluation of this workshop session?

  Not Worthwhile Extremely Worthwhile
  1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of responses:   1 2 12 2

What aspects of the workshop did you like the most?

Informal information-sharing, open question-and answer opportunity: 7

Information on customs procedures: 5

Both topics: 4

Information on business issues: 2

What aspects did you like the least?

No response: 5

None - all were worthwhile: 6

PNNL's customs process is not realistic; conveys almost a prudish attitude to the expediters who make the process go.

The labor pricing, value-added tax discussion did not provide sufficient information.

Too much dead time—maybe focus on some outstanding issue and suggestions on how to resolve it.

Lack of participation by contractors—they are afraid to reveal business secrets, which is understandable, but we must make a strong effort to get them to share what they can.

Too short.

If we ran similar workshops in the future, what improvements would you suggest?

No response: 5

None: 3

More topics: expediting, forwarders (comparison of experience).

Lessons learned in these areas since last meeting

Facilitate input by contractors; draw them out to share problems and successes; formally ask them to use microphones--this is an infrequent opportunity--we must work hard at getting them to talk.

[Information on] contacts in Russia and Ukraine for each of the steps in the customs process. Add U.S. export licensing process. Would be very helpful to have representatives from each of the agencies involved in the license approval process present (Department of Commerce, Department of State, Department of Defense, ACDA).

Publish specific topics and lessons learned in written summary format; e.g., customs stories, logistics blocks, and other negative issues that can be prevented; also positive solutions.

Address unique aspects of different products shipped.

More vendor participation.

Give out handouts at start of presentation to write notes on each item as discussed.

Include list of attendees.

What subjects should be covered in future workshop sessions?

No response: 9

Upcoming opportunities—more info on how to obtain new contracts -- with eye toward possible teaming.

Communications with transportation in host countries; ideas on how to get the most out of our budget dollars, how to conduct tech transfer, and dealing with host-country institutes.

Discuss work in countries outside of Russia and Ukraine.

Customs, taxes, labor costs, host-country employee issues.

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