US Dept. of Energy Office of International
Nuclear Safety and Cooperation
1000 Independence Ave S.W.
Washington, DC 20585
(202) 586-6641
To reduce malfunctions of safety equipment at Soviet-designed RBMK reactors, the
United States is supplying up-to-date tools and training for maintenance workers. None of
this assistance prolongs the lifetimes of these reactors, which the United
States believes should be shut down as soon as practical. The 14 operating
RBMK reactors are located at three nuclear power plants in Russia, one in
Ukraine, and one in Lithuania.
Infrared thermal imaging equipment helps
identify hazards that could lead to electrical system failure. Now, components can
be replaced before they fail.
Older models of RBMK reactors lack emergency core-cooling systems. All
RBMKs are susceptible to power instabilities. The hazards posed by these
design flaws can be compounded by inadequate maintenance. However, the
power plants have lacked modern maintenance equipment and have had
inadequate facilities and programs for training maintenance workers. To
address these problems, the United States has supplied modern technologies to
repair and maintain crucial valves, pipes, electrical systems, and rotating
machinery. U.S. experts have trained technicians to use the tools, and the
United States has provided funds to refurbish and equip maintenance training
The United States supplied the first equipment in 1996, when the Ignalina plant
in Lithuania urgently needed to replace cracked piping in its two RBMK
reactors. Workers lacked a machine commonly used in the United States to
cut pipes precisely and prepare them for welding. Workers had been cutting
pipes by hand, resulting in radiation exposure and often leading to faulty welds
and leaking pipes. Within six weeks of the plant manager's request, the United
States delivered a pipe lathe/weld-preparation machine to improve weld
integrity, reducing the risk of leaks that could cause loss of cooling water to
the reactor core. Within another three months, the United States delivered pipe lathe/
weld-preparation machines to the remaining four RBMK sites--Russia's Leningrad,
Kursk, and Smolensk plants and Ukraine's Chornobyl plant. By November 1997, the
United States had delivered five more pipe lathe/weld-preparation machines to Ignalina
for use in major cooling system repairs.
U.S. specialists have worked with RBMK managers to identify additional tools needed for
rapid maintenance improvements and significant reductions in radiation exposure. Based
on their agreements, the United States supplied the following equipment:
- Valve-seat resurfacing equipment allows workers to repair leaking valves without
having to remove them from pipes. By maintaining the integrity of pipes, the
equipment reduces the risk of leaks that could lead to a loss-of-coolant accident.
Contractor EFCO USA, Inc., delivered the equipment to all RBMK sites in 1997.
Ignalina technicians received it just in time for major cooling system repairs.
- Vibration monitoring and shaft alignment systems detect and correct imbalance
and shaft misalignment in rotating machinery. Each RBMK reactor has about
2,000Ê high-speed pumps, some of which supply cooling water to the reactor core.
When a pump is misaligned or out of balance, its bearings and seals can fail, possibly
leading to a loss-of-coolant accident. In 1998, two RBMK sites--Ignalina in Lithuania
and Chornobyl in Ukraine--received the vibration monitoring and shaft alignment
equipment, and staff were trained in its use. The three remaining RBMK plants in
Russia (Kursk, Leningrad and Smolensk) and the Smolensk Training Center will
receive the equipment as soon as customs clearance is received, expected sometime in
1999. Personnel from these sites have already been trained. Equipment also will be
provided to plants in Armenia and Bulgaria, as well as the Bilibino plant in Russia.
- A thermo-mechanical training loop was installed at the Smolensk Training Center in
May 1998. The loop is a matrix of pipes, valves, pumps, heat exchangers, and
controllers that together simulate the mechanical, electrical, and control-and-protection
systems of a nuclear power plant. The loop provides hands-on training for a variety of
technicians, including mechanics, pipefitters, electricians, instrument mechanics,
welders, millwrights, and radiation protection specialists. The loop also can be used to
simulate scenarios that require the various technicians to coordinate their work.
- Insulation analysis equipment detects breakdown of the insulation around high-
voltage lines and electrical equipment, such as the transmission lines between site
transformers and a plant's main generators. Detecting and correcting insulation
breakdown can prevent loss of electrical power to the reactor. The loss of power is the
trigger most likely to lead to severe accidents at RBMK reactors. The United States
delivered insulation analysis equipment to the Chornobyl and Ignalina plants in 1998
and trained workers to use it. The RBMK sites in Russia also are scheduled to receive
the equipment.
| Operating RBMK
Leningrad, Russia 4 units
Smolensk, Russia 3 units
Kursk, Russia 4 units
Ignalina, Lithuania 2 units
Chornobyl, Ukraine 1 unit | |
The United States is supplying the following equipment:
- Infrared thermography equipment detects heat buildup in electrical systems,
identifying hazards that could lead to equipment failure and loss of power. The United
States shipped a thermography unit to Chornobyl. U.S. experts will work with plant
personnel to conduct a baseline thermography survey of electrical equipment and
supplies essential to safety. Technicians will receive on-the-job training while they
locate wiring, insulation, and electrical connections that need repair. Technicians at
Russia's three RBMK sites (Leningrad, Smolensk, and Kursk) will receive training in
the use of thermography equipment in summer 1999.
- Bolt stress analysis equipment uses ultrasound to analyze the amount of torque on
bolts that hold down valves, pumps, and turbine casings. Bolts with improper torque
can shear or break loose, causing pipe flanges and other bolted connections to leak.
The United States is supplying bolt stress analysis equipment to Russia's Smolensk
and Leningrad plants.
The United States is involved in additional projects to improve maintenance at RBMK
- Maintenance information. U.S. specialists are working with RBMK managers to
improve access to maintenance information. Historically, workers at Soviet-designed
plants had little opportunity to exchange information with their colleagues at other
plants. U.S. and host-country experts are establishing databases of technical
information for maintaining Soviet-designed reactors, including RBMKs.
- Training facilities. The RBMK sites have lacked adequate facilities for training
maintenance workers. Through U.S. funding, each of the five sites and the Smolensk
training center have refurbished and equipped facilities dedicated to maintenance
- Maintenance advisory board. In 1996, with U.S. support, RBMK managers
formed a Maintenance Advisory Board to oversee the cooperative projects. The
information they exchanged during meetings proved so valuable they began holding
regular forums at RBMK sites, enabling maintenance workers to exchange technical
information and lessons learned. These exchanges are a significant milestone in
overcoming the isolation of maintenance workers at nuclear power plants.