Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.

Ukraine's Nuclear Power Program

Information provided by U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and World Bank International Monetary Fund records

Ukraine has 14 nuclear power reactors in operation at five sites. In addition, two units are under construction. In 1997, Ukrainian nuclear power plants produced 47 percent of the country's electricity.

The Chornobyl Unit 4 accident in 1986 focused international attention on the safety of Ukraine's reactors. The one operating reactor at Chornobyl is Unit 3, an RBMK reactor. The other 13 operating reactors in the country are pressurized light-water reactors (11 VVER-1000s and two VVER 440/213s). The G-7 nations and the European Union are working with Ukraine under a Memorandum of Understanding to close the Chornobyl plant by the year 2000. At Chornobyl, DOE is involved in projects to upgrade equipment and safety procedures at operating Unit 3 and in rehabilitating and making the working conditions safer in the Shelter, which contains the destroyed Unit 4.

Ukraine's Key Nuclear Organizations

  • Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety - principal Ukrainian agency supporting development of Chornobyl Center.

  • Nuclear Regulatory Administration - Ukrainian nuclear regulatory authority.

  • Energoatom - utility under the Ministry of Energy responsible for all of Ukraine's nuclear power plants.

  • Ukraine Academy of Sciences - parent organization of many scientific and technical institutes with nuclear-related functions.

  • International Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology (Kyiv, Ukraine) - research center and technical support organization for nuclear safety and decommissioning activities for Chornobyl NPP and Chornobyl Shelter, as well as for other NPPs in Ukraine.

  • Slavutych Laboratory for International Research and Technology - primary technical branch of the Chornobyl Center.

Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station
Plant Manager: Vitaliy Tolstonogov
Utility: Energoatom
Telephone No.: 380-44-934-3109 or 380-44-934-3107
Fax: 380-44-792-5670

UnitReactor ModelNet OutputInitial StartStatus
1RBMK-1000925 MWe8/1977Shut Down 11/1996
2RBMK-1000950 MWe5/1979Shut Down 10/1991
3RBMK-1000925 MWe6/1981Operating
4RBMK-1000950 MWe4/1984Destroyed 4/1986

Khmelnytskyy Nuclear Power Station
Plant Manager: Nikolai P. Dudchenko
Utility: Energoatom
Telephone No.: 380-38-3350 or 380-38-222-3797
Fax: 380-38-483-3360

UnitReactor ModelNet OutputInitial StartStatus
1VVER-1000950 MWe12/1987Operating
2VVER-1000950 MWeUnder Construction
3VVER-1000950 MWeUnder Construction
4VVER-1000950 MWeUnder Construction

Rivne Nuclear Power Station
Plant Manager: Vladimir Korovkin
Utility: Energoatom
Telephone No.: 380-36-362-2360 or 380-36-363-5917
Fax: 380-36-362-2314

UnitReactor ModelNet OutputInitial StartStatus
1VVER-400/213361 MWe12/1980Operating
2VVER-400/213384 MWe12/1981Operating
3VVER-1000950 MWe11/1986Operating
4VVER-1000950 MWeUnder Construction

South Ukraine Nuclear Power Station
Plant Manager: Yuriy L. Kovizhkin
Utility: Energoatom
Telephone No.: 380-51-365-0132
Fax: 380-51-362-1832

UnitReactor ModelNet OutputInitial StartStatus
1VVER-1000950 MWe12/1982Operating
2VVER-1000950 MWe12/1984Operating
3VVER-1000950 MWe9/1989Operating
4VVER-1000950 MWeUnder Construction

Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Station
Plant Manager: Danko Biley
Utility: Energoatom
Telephone No.: 380-61-393-2272
Fax: 380-61-393-6927

UnitReactor ModelNet OutputInitial StartStatus
1VVER-1000950 MWe11/1984Operating
2VVER-1000950 MWe6/1985Operating
3VVER-1000950 MWe12/1986Operating
4VVER-1000950 MWe12/1987Operating
5VVER-1000950 MWe6/1989Operating
6VVER-1000950 MWe10/1995Operating


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