Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.

USA Statistics in Brief

This information is the property of the U.S. Information Agency and was created from information provided at their web site.

Resident population (mil.) 226.5 248.7260.3
Percent of population
   Under 18 yrs. Old
   65 yrs. old and over11.3 12.512.7
   White 85.9 83.983.1
   Black 11.8 12.312.5
   Asian and Pacific Islander
   American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut
   Hispanic 6.4 9.010.0
   Northeast 21.7 20.4 19.7
   Midwest 26.0 24.0 23.6
   South 33.3 34.4 34.8
   West 19.1 21.2 21.8
   Metropolitan area 78.1 79.5 79.7
Households (mil.) 80.8 93.3 97.1
   Percent one person 22.7 24.6 24.3
   Families (mil.) 59.6 66.1 68.5
   With children under 18 yrs. (mil.) 31.0 32.3 34.0
   Percent one-parent 19.5 24.0 26.3
Birth rate per 1,000 people 15.9 16.7 15.3
Death rate per 1,000 people 8.8 8.6 8.8
   Infant death rate 12.6 9.2 7.9
Law Enforcement
Violent crimes per 100,000 people * 597 732 746
Murders, manslaughters (1,000) * 23.0 23.4 24.5
Prisoners (1,000) 316 740 910
Fall school enrollment (mil.):
   Elementary (grades K-8)
31.6 34.0 36.2
   Secondary (grades 9-12) 14.6 12.5 13.6
   Higher education 12.1 13.8 14.7
School expenditures ($bil.): 1
(constant (1990-91) dol.)
   Elementary and secondary *
174 248 263
   Higher education * 109 166 175
Persons 25 yrs and over: 2
   High school graduates (percent)
66.5 77.680.9
   College graduates (percent) 16.2 21.3 22.2
Motor vehicle registrations (mil.) * 156 189 194
Airline revenue passengers (mil.) * 273 466 487
Occupied housing units (mil.) * 80.4 91.9 94.7
Percent owner-occupied * 64.4 64.2 64.7

19901993 1994
National health expenditures ($bil) 697 884 (NA)
   Per capita (dol.) 2,686 3,299 (NA)
Persons without health insurance (percent) 13.9 15.3 (NA)
Days of hospital care per 1,000 persons 792 720 (NA)
Social Welfare
Social Security (OASDI) ($bil) 248 302 (NA)
State unemployment insurance ($bil) 18 22 (NA)
AFDC payments3 ($bil) 19 23 (NA)
Federal government:
   Budget receipts ($bil)
1,031 1,154 1,258
   Budget outlays ($bil) 1,253 1,409 1,461
   Deficit ($bil) -221 -255 -203
   Gross debt outstanding ($bil) 3,207 4,351 4,644
State and local government:
   General revenue ($bil)
713 (NA) (NA)
   Direct general expenditures ($bil) 835 (NA) (NA)
   Debt outstanding ($bil) 861 (NA) (NA)
Civilian labor force, 16 and over (mil) 124.8 128.0 131.1
Unemployment rate (percent) 5.5 6.8 6.1
Weekly earnings, 1982 dollars 259 255 256
Index of productivity (1982=100) 110.7 117.2 119.9
Index of real compensation per hour (1982=100) 103.8 107.2 107.8
Gross domestic product (GDP) ($bil) 5,546 6,343 6,738
   In constant (1987) dollars ($bil) 4,897 5,135 5,344
   Per person (dol.) 19,593 19,879 20,476
Personal income ($bil) 4,674 5,375 5,702
Disposable personal income ($bil) 4,051 4,689 4,960
   Per person (dol.) 16,205 18,153 19,003
Median family money income (dol.) 4 35,353 36,959 (NA)
   In constant (1993) dollars (dol.) 4 39,086 36,959 (NA)
Persons below poverty level (mil) 4 33.6 39.3 (NA)
   Percent of all persons4 13.5 15.1 (NA)
(annual percent change)
Consumer price index (1982-84=100):
All items
5.4 3.0 2.6
   Food 5.8 2.2 2.4
   Shelter 5.4 3.0 3.1
   Medical care 9.0 5.9 4.8
   Fuel and other utilities 3.5 3.0 1.2
Producer price index (1982=100):
   Crude materials
5.6 2.0 -0.7
   Intermediate materials 2.2 1.3 2.0
   Finished consumer goods 5.4 1.1 0.2
Production (Quad. Btu.) 67.9 65.3 67.4
Imports (Quad. Btu.) 19.0 21.5 22.6
Consumption (Quad. Btu.) 81.3 83.9 85.6
Crude oil production, domestic (mil. bbl.) 2,685 2,499 2,432
Crude oil imports (mil. bbl.) 2,151 2,477 2,565
Farms (1,000) 2,140 2,064 2,040
Land in farms (mil. acres) 987 978 975
Net farm income ($bil) 46.9 43.4 49.7
Industrial production index (1987=100) 106.0 107.6 112.0
Value of new construction ($bil) 442 466 507
Housing starts (1,000) 1,193 1,288 1,457
New home sales (1,000) 534 666 670
Manufacturers shipments ($bil) 2,870 3,102 3,370
Merchant wholesalers, sales ($bil) 1,794 1,941 2,073
Retail stores, sales ($bil) 1,845 2,074 2,237
Mortgage debt outstanding ($bil) 3,764 4,230 4,426
Consumer installment credit outstanding ($bil) 735 794 911
Interest rates (percent):
   Home mortgages, conventional, new
10.08 7.37 8.58
   Prime rate charged by banks 10.01 6.00 7.15
Dow-Jones industrial average 2,679 3,525 3,794
Foreign Commerce
Current account balance ($bil) -91.7 -103.9 -155.7
Merchandise trade balance ($bil) -101.7 -115.6 -151.1
   General exports ($bil) 393.6 465.1 512.7
   General imports ($bil) 495.3 580.7 663.8
NA Not available.
* 1993 data shown for 1994; for school expenditures, 1992 data.
1 For school year ending June the following year.
2 For 1980, persons completing 4 years or more of high school or college.
3 Aid to Families with Dependent Children program.
4 1990 data based on 1980 census population controls; 1993 data based on 1990 census population controls.


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