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Armenia : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


  • As part of the fire-safety upgrade project, the United States supplied fire-resistant floor-coating material to replace the current flammable plastic floor covering at the plant. The coating was applied to all of the critical floor area in the reactor building (12,000 m2). Installation was conducted by U.S.-trained plant personnel.

  • The United States is providing equipment to complete a seismic-resistant, spray pond cooling system to remove safety system heat loads. Construction of the ponds is nearly completed. The structures of the two pump stations and the concrete tunnels for electric power lines were completed. The pumps that provide the motive force for the system were delivered to the plant. All construction activities and subsystem tests were completed in 1998. Tie-in to the plant, integral testing, and commissioning of the system will occur in the first major outage in 1999.

  • The United States is providing a diesel-driven emergency water pumping system to serve as a backup to the emergency feedwater system. Installation is scheduled in 1999.

  • Seven replacement main steam-isolation valves are being manufactured and are scheduled for installation in 1999.

Armenia : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


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The content was last modified on 02/26/99 .

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