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Kursk : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


Management and Operational Safety

  • Operator exchanges that trained plant personnel to develop improved operating safety procedures and practices were completed.

  • Drafts of emergency operating instructions that promote safety through improved accident mitigation strategies were completed for the plant.

  • Mechanical pump/motor shaft alignment equipment was provided to the plant with training by U.S. specialists.

  • State-of-the-art machines to cut pipes in critical safety systems precisely and prepare pipe ends for welding were provided. Previously, workers cut pipes needing replacement by hand, which caused inaccurate welds and potential leakage.

  • Valve-seat resurfacing equipment, a pipe lathe/weld-preparation machine, and a vibration monitoring and shaft alignment system for improving safety maintenance activities at the plant were provided.

  • Basic equipment was provided for the development and support of training materials at the plant. This equipment included computers and a server, software, printers, a photocopier, overhead projectors, projector screens, and various consumables and office supplies.

  • Instructors from the plant were trained in the Systematic Approach to Training methodology and in instructor skills.

  • The first phase to transfer the Systematic Approach to Training methodology and training materials developed at the Balakovo Training Center to the Kursk plant has been completed. A pilot course on laser shaft alignment was developed and implemented.

Engineering and Technology Upgrades

  • Seismically qualified batteries were installed at the plant.

  • A safety parameter display system was installed and tested at Unit 2.

  • Automated ultrasonic test equipment for detecting flaws in piping and other pressure boundary components was delivered to the plant. Associated training was provided.

  • Prototypes for high-temperature protective clothing for inspecting steam leaks were provided for the plant.

  • An emergency water supply system was installed and tested.

Plant Safety Evaluations

  • The Kursk Unit 1 in-depth safety assessment was initiated with contracts signed with the Russian design institute (RDIPE), Rosenergoatom, and the Kursk plant.

  • Computer systems and office equipment were supplied to the plant for the onsite project management support for the Kursk in-depth safety assessment. Collection and archiving of plant data are under way.

Kursk : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


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The content was last modified on 02/26/99 .

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