Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.
Operator exchanges that trained plant personnel to develop improved operating safety procedures and practices were completed.
A complete set of management and operational control procedures that promote safety through improved operating practices was developed and implemented at the plant.
Tools and methods for evaluating operators during training on control room simulators were developed.
Representatives from the Hungarian regulatory agency and the Paks plant attended a regulatory workshop for training on symptom-based emergency operating procedures.
Plant Safety Evaluations
Technology transfer and training were provided to plant staff in the area of human performance during emergencies.
Analysis capability and training were provided to Hungarian technical specialists to enable them to evaluate the potential for combustion/detonation of hydrogen, which could threaten the plant's containment integrity for accident scenarios.
U.S. experts analyzed the ability of the reactor confinement structures to withstand the pressure likely to be created in an accident and determined that the structures are adequate.
The COBRA-SFS computer code was transferred to Hungary for use in evaluating spent fuel storage systems.