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November 1999
Czech Republic
United States
Cross-Cutting Activities
Planned Activities

Czech Republic

Dukovany workshop transfers guidance on severe accident management

Four specialists from Westinghouse/Pittsburgh, Westinghouse/Brussels, Farley NPP, and Argonne National Laboratory conducted a workshop on severe accident management guidance (SAMG) November 2 through 5 at Hrotovice, Czech Republic, near the Dukovany NPP site. The workshop objective was to assist the Czech utility CEZ in planning to introduce such guidance at Dukovany NPP. In attendance were 26 persons from CEZ, Dukovany NPP, the Czech Republic research and development organization REZ, and the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB), plus invitees from Slovakia, including representatives from Bohunice and Mochovce NPP and the Nuclear Power Plant Institute (VUJE). The workshop was timely for personnel from the three participating nuclear power plants because introduction of SAMG is among their top safety-related priorities as they complete implementation of their symptom-based emergency operating instructions. Severe accident management measures have been implemented at all operating U.S. nuclear power plants and are required in most countries. The guidance adds an additional defense-in-depth safety measure at nuclear power plants focusing on accident mitigation, supplementing the extensive accident prevention measures already in place. (Walter Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628; Bruce Spencer, ANL, 630-252-6564)*


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The content was last modified on 04/14/2000 .

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