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RussiaBilibino simulator passes factory acceptance tests A cooperative Russian/U.S. effort to develop an analytical simulator for Bilibino NPP recently achieved a major milestone. In Moscow in late February, the simulator successfully underwent factory acceptance testing at the facilities of LAKROM, the Russian subcontractor for simulator software development. Factory acceptance testing involves a final evaluation of the simulator's computer model before the equipment is shipped to the Bilibino plant site. In comparison to a full-scope simulator, an analytical simulator uses computer monitor screens instead of replicated control panels. The computer's graphic displays represent plant systems. Operators practice responding to various conditions by entering computer commands.
Following successful test completion, U.S. contractor GSE Power Systems, Inc., will oversee shipment of the simulator hardware and software to Bilibino NPP for setup, installation, and site acceptance testing. When this project is completed in May 2000, Bilibino will have a state-of-the-art tool with which to train the plant's reactor operators. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650;
Joe Cleary, PNNL, 509-372-4094) |
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