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HighlightAnalytical simulator turned over to Bilibino
Russia’s most remote nuclear power plant, Bilibino NPP in the nation’s far-northeastern corner, was the scene of a ceremony in early June when the U.S.-provided analytical simulator was turned over formally to the plant. Officials of Gosatomnadzor and Rosenergoatom were on hand for the turnover, as were project team members from the All-Russian Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operations (VNIIAES), simulator developers LAKROM (Russia) and GSE Power Systems, Inc. (United States), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Earlier this spring, the simulator was declared "ready for training" after passing its site acceptance tests (see Activity Report, April 2000). Following the turnover ceremony, participants reviewed the status of the plant’s training program and instructional materials for operators. Plans for training Bilibino’s simulator instructors also were discussed. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Joe Cleary, PNNL, 509-372-4094)
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