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Cross-Cutting ActivitiesInternational European Nuclear Society conferenceA representative from PNNL traveled to Prague, Czech Republic to attend the 14th International European Nuclear Society conference on “Nuclear Public Information in Practice”. There were a total of 40 presenters during the three-day conference. Subjects ranged from life extension, to building new plants, to obtaining national and international political support for continued operation of nuclear plants. There were also several discussions about terrorist threats to nuclear plants, and how plants are dealing with this in the public light. To great interest, the PNNL specialist gave a presentation on the Soviet-Designed Reactor Safety program and the book “Nuclear Legacy.” The general tone of the conference was optimistic about the viability and global support of nuclear power. (Gary Petersen, PNNL, 505-372-6504; Rich Reister, DOE, 301-903-0234)
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