Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.
Technical/Upgrading ActivitiesPrior to the restart of Unit 2, plant operating staff were trained on simulators at Russia's Novovoronezh plant, Finland's Loviisa plant (a VVER-440 V213), and Germany's Greifswald plant (now closed). In addition, selected plant staff were sent for training, under the auspices of the IAEA, to various countries, including Finland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The training covered licensing, accident management and fire protection. Operating personnel were examined by a panel of five inspectors from the country's regulatory body to qualify for a reactor operator's license. At the regulators' request, the IAEA sent observers from Hungary and the Slovak Republic with experience in training VVER personnel.The operating staff of Unit 2 includes one trained Russian operator on each shift. After the fire in 1982, several modifications were made, including installation of an additional control panel, fitting of an additional independent emergency power cable network, improved separation of safety-related cabling and the implementation of numerous fire protection measures. The main backfits approved by Armenian regulators include hardware modifications of: primary circuit, protection and control systems; emergency cooling systems; thermal insulation; and fire and explosion protection. Specific upgrades carried out or under way include new seismic-resistant storage batteries from Germany, an additional DC panel to provide backup power, a new diesel generator hookup that provides twice the redundancy of the original configuration, and rerouting of power lines to separate trains. In addition, all monitoring equipment has been replaced, and additional reactor protection system shutdown logic installed for water levels in the steam generators and for water and steam levels in the pressurizer. Sealing gaskets and other components providing isolation in the system's confinement were upgraded using materials and technology from a U.S. company, and the reactor hall sprinkler system was modernized. Following an inspection of the unit's steam generators, 1-2 percent of the tubes were plugged. According to the plant manager, over 500 tons of equipment needed to refurbish and upgrade the unit--most of it from Russia--was airlifted to the site because of the land-route blockade by neighboring Azerbaijan. A system of five large basins is under construction at the plant site to upgrade the essential service water supply. It is expected to begin operating in 1997. In addition, the following upgrades (mostly seismic) have been reported:
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