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- RBMK-1000
- VVER-1000
- VVER-440/230 / 213
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Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant

Novovoronezh Plant Operating History

Scope of DOE Activities


Plant Manager: Vyacheslav A. Vikin
Chief Engineer: Vladimir S. Zarubaev
Utility: Rosenergoatom
Telephone No.: 7-073-64-73305
Fax: 7-073-64-73302

Reactor Model Net Output Initial Criticality Status
Unit 1 VVER-210 Prototype 265 MWe 12/1964 Permanently shut down, 2/1988
Unit 2 VVER-365 Prototype 336 MWe 4/1970 Permanently shut down, 8/1990
Unit 3 VVER-440/V230 385 MWe 12/1971 Commercial operation since 6/1972
Unit 4 VVER-440/V230 385 MWe 12/1972 Commercial operation since 3/1973
Unit 5 VVER-1000 950 MWe 4/1980 Commercial operation since 2/1981
Unit 6 VVER-1000 Enhanced Safety 950 MWe Planned Planned
Unit 7 VVER-1000 Enhanced Safety 950 MWe Planned Planned
Novovoronezh Units 1-7
Novovoronezh, Voronezh, Russia
Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs)
Utility: Rosenergoatom
Reactor Supplier: Kharkovsky Turbinny Zavod
Steam Generator Supplier: Kharkovsky Turbinny Zavod
Architecture: Atomenergoproject
Construction: Ministry of Power Stations


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The content was last modified on 02/22/99 .

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