Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.

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- VVER-440/230 / 213
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Novovoronezh : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


Management and Operational Safety

  • A configuration management program for keeping the plant's design basis current and accurate has been initiated.

  • Operator exchanges that trained plant personnel to develop improved operating safety procedures and practices were completed.

  • All twenty-nine symptom-based emergency operating instructions that promote safety at the plant through improved accident mitigation strategies were approved and implemented.

  • The Unit 3 VVER-440/230 analytical simulator project was completed and the simulator declared operational in September 1998.

  • Basic equipment was provided for the development and support of training at the plant. This equipment included personal computers, office furniture, overhead projectors, projector screens, and whiteboards.

  • The first phase to transfer the Systematic Approach to Training methodology and training materials developed at the Balakovo Training Center to the Novovoronezh plant was completed. A pilot course for shift supervisors was developed and implemented.

  • Instructors have been trained in the Systematic Approach to Training methodology and in instructor skills.

Engineering and Technology Upgrades

  • A safety parameter display system for Unit 3 was provided.

  • Plant-specific technical specifications were developed for Unit 4's safety parameter display system and the system was built. Factory acceptance testing of the system was completed. The system will be installed during the first outage of 1999.

  • A mobile emergency water supply system was delivered to the plant.

Plant Safety Evaluations

  • Technical guidelines and training for performing the in-depth safety assessment for Units 3 and 4 were completed. Draft system description documentation and the component reliability databases have been completed. The probabilistic risk assessments have been initiated.

  • RELAP5 training workshops were conducted. The workshops addressed plant safety analysis tools and methods for developing plant thermal-hydraulic models in support of safety assessment activities for Units 3, 4, and 5.

Novovoronezh : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


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The content was last modified on 02/26/99 .

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