Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.

Chornobyl Initiatives Reports and Publications Photo Library Nuclear Reactor Profiles and Accomplishments About our Program Web site sections
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- RBMK-1000
- VVER-1000
- VVER-440/230 / 213
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Novovoronezh : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |

Scope of DOE Activities

At the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant, DOE efforts focus on improving the safety of day-to-day operations at the plant and upgrading critical plant safety systems. DOE projects include providing an analytical simulator to improve reactor operator training (1995-1998), developing improved operating procedures and practices (1993-ongoing), and performing in-depth safety assessments (1996-ongoing). Other projects include improving key plant safety systems (1994-ongoing) and providing safety parameter display systems (1994-ongoing).

Novovoronezh : | Operating History | Scope of DOE Activities | Accomplishments |


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The content was last modified on 02/26/99 .

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