Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.
ArmeniaArmenia prepares for seismic inspection A representative from Argonne National Laboratory met during late July with counterparts at Armenia NPP to organize a seismic walk-down inspection of the plant. The walk-down, which will determine whether key safety components conform to seismic standards, is scheduled for September 11 through 21. Workers from Armenia NPP will conduct the inspection with guidance from U.S. specialists. In addition to preparations for the seismic inspection, separate meetings were held with representatives of the Armenia plant; Armatom, the Armenian technical support organization; the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority; and Yerevan State University to discuss safety analysis capability needs. (Dennis Meyers, DOE, 301-903-1418; Mark Petri, ANL, 630-252-3719)
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