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UkraineSafety analysis capabilities under development at Slavutych Laboratory The following milestones have been met as a result of DOE’s efforts to establish a safety analysis infrastructure at the Slavutych Laboratory for International Research and Technology: • The U.S. team delivered a workstation to the Slavutych Laboratory to be used for safety analysis work. The workstation was connected to the local area network at the laboratory and is accessible from 10 terminals, all of which have been appropriately configured. • The U.S. team provided a complete set of safety analysis codes (CONTAIN, MELCOR, RELAP5, ORIGEN, and PACER) to the laboratory, and the codes have been installed on laboratory computers. • In July, four nuclear specialists from the Slavutych Laboratory attended U.S.-supported training sessions in Kyiv on the CONTAIN and MELCOR codes (see following article, "Ukrainian nuclear analysts train on safety analysis codes"). In a previous workshop held in 1999, six experts from the Slavutych Laboratory were trained in the use of the CONTAIN and MELCOR/PACER codes. • In August, a training workshop for the RELAP5/Mod3 code was held in Slavutych. Representatives from Argonne National Laboratory organized the workshop, and instructors from Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory conducted the training for 20 nuclear analysts, 8 of whom were from the Slavutych Laboratory. These efforts will enable Slavutych Laboratory specialists and other scientists to use the latest available computer codes to perform comprehensive safety analysis assessments of other Soviet-designed nuclear power plants. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628; Igor Bodnar, ANL, 630-252-8336) Ukrainian nuclear analysts train on safety analysis codes Nuclear analysts from the Slavutych Laboratory, other Ukrainian technical organizations, and specialists from Zaporizhzhya, Khmelnytskyy, Rivne, and South Ukraine nuclear power plants (NPPs) attended a training workshop on the CONTAIN and MELCOR safety analysis computer codes. The workshop, held at Kyiv State University July 10 through 21, is part of the U.S. team project to facilitate development of a safety analysis capability in Ukraine. Two groups of 20 and 21 analysts received training on CONTAIN and MELCOR, respectively. The workshop included lectures and hands-on training involving preparation of code input and usage of the codes by the trainees. Special attention was devoted to application of the codes to nuclear power plants with VVER reactors. (Walt Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628; Christian Kot, ANL, 630-252-6151)
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