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Quarterly Activity Report of the International Nuclear Safety Program.
October - December 2001
Czech Republic
United States
Cross-Cutting Activities
Planned Activities


EOI training program development initiated at Smolensk

A two-week working session was held October 15 through 27 at the Smolensk nuclear power plant (NPP) to initiate development of a training program for trainers on Emergency Operating Instructions (EOIs). The purpose of the meeting was to initiate development of training materials and programs in preparation for the implementation of the EOIs. A training specialist from the U.S. firm Sonalysts Inc., a Ukrainian specialist from the Chornobyl nuclear plant, and a Russian specialist from the Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Plant Operations VNIIAES (during second week only) worked with training specialists from Smolensk NPP to initiate design of the training materials for the particular group of EOIs to be used in this pilot program activity. Plans for upcoming visits also were discussed. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Al Ankrum, PNNL, 509-372-4095)

Joint agreement between Splav and Target Rock (Curtiss-Wright) has been signed to produce solenoid valves

Representatives from Russian design organizations met with U.S. representatives to discuss the potential use of solenoid valves in safety applications in Russian nuclear power plants. The advantages of the solenoid valves are their small size, low weight, fast action, low energy demand, no external valve leakage, minimal maintenance, and low cost.

A joint venture agreement between Splav (Russia) and Target Rock (Curtiss-Wright, United States) has been signed for the manufacture and distribution of the solenoid valves. Leningrad NPP is interested in the purchase of approximately 20 valves. The first step in obtaining Russian certification will be the manufacture of two valves at Target Rock for use in the feedwater system at Leningrad NPP. After the completion of the pilot phase, valves will subsequently be manufactured at Splav. The solenoids will continue to be provided by Target Rock. (Richard Denning, BCO, 614-424-7412; Greg Trosman, NNSA, 301-903-3581)

Upper level control system of SWP-5 Kalinin Special Water Purification System installed

The upper level control system for the demonstration control system (SWP-5, Kalinin special water purification system) has been installed at the Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Plant Operations (VNIIAES) simulator facility. In addition, one-half of the lower level control system has been installed. The remaining equipment for the demonstration control system was delivered in late November by the Russian manufacturer, Omsk. (Richard Denning, BCO, 614-424-7412; Greg Trosman, NNSA, 301-903-3581)

Three meetings held to review deliverables and assess progress toward contract completion with SCC and MCC

Two of PNNL's contracts with the Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC) and the Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC) are in support of the effort to evaluate the Russian Federation fossil fuel refurbishment option to end weapons grade plutonium production at Seversk and Zheleznogorsk nuclear plants.

Earlier this fall, specialists from PNNL met with representatives from the SCC and MCC to be updated on efforts to gain tax exemption status. The combines have reached a temporary verbal agreement with the tax ministry to not be assessed VAT until all the paperwork has been finalized. PNNL had been asked to withhold payments before the tax issue was resolved, but will now begin paying on completed invoices. Deliverables from each combine were also reviewed. A discussion was held on the second day of the meetings about the October site visit to Seversk.

The second contract review meeting with SCC and MCC was held in late October within the Closed Administrative Territorial Formation of Seversk. A baseline inspection of the Seversk TET plant was conducted and PNNL specialists met with SCC TETs management and staff. The group toured the new, partially constructed coal handling system and inspected the water treatment facility. During the tour, the U.S. team was shown a renovated room that is to be the workspace for the U.S. technical oversight team during refurbishment activities. The U.S. team and TET representatives toured the boiler house, turbine generators, heat exchangers, water treatment facility, and control room to visibly inspect the equipment and facilities planned for refurbishment. Photographs of the equipment and facilities were taken to document their current condition. The MCC and SCC contracts, deliverables, and schedules were reviewed, including cost estimates.

The third Contract Review Meeting was held at the International Building of Minatom on November 28-29. Contract deliverables were discussed and progress was assessed. The SCC gave a presentation on the Russian Federation Civil Engineering Norms and Standards. Re-negotiations began with the MCC on the details of where the TET site will be built. (Julian Hill, PNNL, 703-413-7801; Jim Mulkey, DOE, 301-903-5481)

Leningrad NPP Unit 1 and 2 ISA projects and Unit 1 EOI efforts reviewed

A representative from PNNL traveled to Stockholm, Sweden at the end of September and at the end of November to participate in the In-depth Safety Assessment (ISA) project meetings for Leningrad Units 1 and 2 and to help plan the Leningrad Symptom-Based Emergency Operating Instructions (EOI) effort. Other participants in the meetings were representatives from Sweden, the United Kingdom, Finland, Russia, and the United States. Specialists from Lithuania were present at the November meeting.

The Leningrad Unit 2 ISA project was reviewed. With the project nearing completion, a summary report was prepared and reviewed for completeness. The technical committee reviewed the Leningrad Unit 1 ISA project. The scope of work was based in part on the experience of the Unit 2 project. Labor issues and timeline were also discussed and determined to be viable.

The Leningrad NPP EOI project planning committee meeting was the first in a series supporting the development of risk informed EOIs. The meeting's primary objectives were to discuss the project's basis, scope, timing, and participants. The results of the recently completed Leningrad NPP Unit 2 ISA were reviewed and they indicated risk informed EOIs would contribute 82% of the forecast reduction in the core damage frequency presented in chapter 9 of the Unit 2 ISA summary report. The Lithuanian participants discussed their recent EOI experience and offered suggestions to improve Leningrad NPP's EOI project. All agreed that the Leningrad NPP EOI project would significantly benefit from the Ignalina NPP EOI program. Leningrad NPP will re-sequence their proposed scope of work based on Ignalina NPP insight. PNNL agreed to consider funding near-term technical support for Leningrad NPP EOI development groups. Leningrad NPP was expected to provide an updated project description by the end of 2001. (Sam McKay, PNNL, 509-372-4059; Walt Pasedag, NNSA, 301-903-3628; Dennis Meyers, NNSA, 301-903-1418)

Balakovo NPP Training Materials CD

Balakovo NPP experts, with assistance from staff of Human Performance Analysis Corporation, have designed and produced training compact disks (CD). This material covers the 12 training programs developed at Balakovo through INSP systematic approach to training projects. Contents include program descriptions, course outlines, lesson plans, student guides, test items, simulator scenario guides, and administrative procedures. The two-CD set contains all Russian language training materials in both Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Windows formats. The CDs will be distributed to nuclear sites in the former Soviet Union. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Don Draper, PNNL, 509-372-4079)

October - December 2001
Czech Republic
United States
Cross-Cutting Activities
Planned Activities


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