Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.
During December 10 through 21, 2001 representatives of PNNL, Sonalysts, Inc., Energoatom, and Ukraine's ETC met with training staff at South Ukraine NPP to finalize implementation of their CRTO pilot course. This completed 18 months of work, which included the course implementation at Rivne NPP and Zaporizhzhya NPP. This work is part of the ongoing effort to transfer technology related to the systematic approach to training used at all U.S. nuclear utilities. As part of the project, enhanced training material will be available to technical staff at Soviet-designed NPPs. This is the third of five pilot courses being developed for critical control room positions and is essential in upgrading operator performance in Ukraine. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650, Don Draper, PNNL, 509-372-4079)
Representatives of the Ukraine utility, Energoatom, and various Ukrainian technical support organizations joined the PNNL specialist in discussing the design document system management (DDSM), the Ukraine reliability database (URDB), Ukraine quality assurance (QA) and infrastructure, and event analysis, reporting, and lessons learned (EARLL) projects. The DDSM, QA and infrastructure meetings included the NPP Operational Support Institute (NPP OSI) along with Energoatom. The status and impact of recent budget decisions were discussed. The Ukraine reliability database project status was reviewed with Information Technologies Incorporated (INIT), Energoatom, Kyiv University, and Russian Research Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Operations (VNIIAES). Planned activities for the next two fiscal years were discussed and plans were made for a re-examination of methods to allow information sharing between the Ukraine reliability database and the similar database in Russia. During a root-cause analysis conference sponsored under the EARLL project, representatives from Energoatom, some host-country vendors, and the specialist from PNNL discussed future EARLL activities. (Tyrone Blackburn, PNNL, 509-372-4092; Dennis Meyers, NNSA, 301-903-1418)
The Phase II planned work activities were reviewed, including the need for the participation of the Khmelnytskyy technical staff in the production of the PRA and DBA deliverables. The matter of quality assurance (QA) and deliverable review procedures were reviewed and settled. Initial progress made under both activities was reviewed, and the technical approach for the next tasks agreed upon. Data Systems and Solutions also presented a three-day workshop on advanced PRA topics to NPP and PRA consortium analysts. From observations to date, the U.S. team believes that cooperation is quite satisfactory between 1) members within each consortium, 2) each consortium and the NPP, and 3) all three Ukrainian entities with respect to the DBA computer code work which also supports the PRA. Both consortia confirmed the arrangements for timely transfer of lead-plant material from the Zaporizhzhya ISA Project to the Khmelnytskyy ISA Project. The timely transfer of this material is very important to the success of the Khmelnytskyy ISA project. (Charles Dickerman, ANL, 630-252-4622; Walt Pasedag, NNSA, 301-903-3628)
Fourth UNFQP Working Meeting The Ukrainian parties spent time producing a fourth set of consolidated comments on the Technical Task Document. They also considered the previously undocumented State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine's (SNRCU) comments. Out of this activity came the decision to list two additional documents that will need to be submitted. The group, as a whole, considers these new requirements to be appropriate and will add them to the project. The Fifth Working Meeting is planned for February 2002. (Richard Libby, PNNL, 509-372-6221; James Cannon, NNSA, 301-903-5016) CRCD plans to implement an internal Quality System in alignment with ISO-9000
standards A review performed during the summer 2001 revealed the need for specialized assistance to the CRCD. The needed assistance and project schedule were discussed. The UNFQP elected to use a Quality System consultant from the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (KhIPT), with extensive experience in the implementation of the ISO-9000 standards. This consultant is also currently supporting other INSP projects in Ukraine with regard to the development and execution of quality systems. Also discussed was the number of ways procedures can be reduced and still comply with all aspects of ISO standards. An 8-hour course on ISO-9000 standards was delivered during the meetings and was attended by more than 26 staff members from both the CRCD and KhIPT. (Richard Latorre PNNL, 509-372-4418; James Cannon, NNSA, 301-903-5016)
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