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7.0 Strategy for the U.S. Department of Energy's Cooperative Nuclear Safety Work
Speaker: Richard Reister; Office of International Nuclear Safety; Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology; U.S. Department of Energy 7.1 Establishing a Mission, Vision, and End PointsThe Strategy Document() was developed for the U.S. Department of Energy's international nuclear safety work to define where we are going, when the work will be completed, and what we will have achieved when we are finished. The mission is two-fold:
The vision, within a decade, is that
7.2 Relationship to Other Key DocumentsTo put the Strategy Document in context, it helps to think of its relationship to other key documents. The Strategy Document is at the highest level, giving a broad view with an eye toward the future, especially completion of the work. One level beneath the Strategy Document is the Program Plan, which gives details about objectives, projects, schedules, and estimated funding required. Status reports, the most recent of which was issued early this year, describe progress and achievements over time. The Performance Measurement report, which the U.S. Department of Energy will issue annually, measures the effectiveness of the work. That report looks at how well we are achieving what we planned and how much impact the work is having.() Ideally, the results of the Performance Measurement report feed back into the Program Plan. The intent is to step back and take an objective view of the work, to determine whether mid-course corrections are needed. It is important to be willing to make changes based on the results of performance measurement. 7.3 Selecting ProjectsProjects must meet three main criteria to achieve the mission and vision: impact on safety, cost-effectiveness, and host country commitment and sustainability. Impact on safety is the most important criterion. To measure impact on safety, the U.S. Department of Energy relies heavily on independent reviews. Such reviews include those conducted by the International Atomic Energy Agency to establish a prioritized list of key safety deficiencies at Soviet-designed reactors. More recently, the U.S. Department of Energy also has measured safety impact using safety analyses and risk assessments such as one done recently for Lithuania's Ignalina nuclear power plant. Such assessments reveal which safety improvements have the greatest impact on safety. Another measurement of impacts is how many plants are affected by the improvement, how far-reaching it is. Technology transfer activities are necessary for achieving this broader effect. Cost-effectiveness is a determination of the amount of benefit for cost incurred. This kind of evaluation must be done with a broad view of all the projects and how they leverage off one another. For example, a relatively high-cost project may nevertheless have a high cost-benefit ratio because it affects safety at many other plants. Host country commitment comprises two factors: 1) the amount of money and resources the host country is willing to commit to a particular project, and 2) its interest in the project, specifically, whether the extent to which the host country feels the project meets an important need at the country's nuclear power plants. Sustainability must be addressed in each project by specifying how knowledge, methods, and capabilities will be transferred to the host countries to build a lasting safety culture and infrastructure. The technologies transferred usually are those that are in broad use in the international nuclear community, rather than specialized, proprietary technologies that companies are marketing for profit. sometimes a joint venture or other cooperative business arrangement is the best approach, where the host countries manufacture the product. In this way, the U.S. company does not incur costs of shipping a U.S.-manufactured product to the host countries. 7.4 Strategy for Implementing ProjectsMost of the projects rely on a pilot plant approach, where the technology first is demonstrated at a particular plant and then extended to additional plants. Another key part of project implementation is involvement by the regulatory organizations in the host countries. For projects to be successful and sustainable, host country regulators must take a strong, ongoing oversight role. 7.5 Technical Areas and End PointsThe work is grouped under six key technical areas, which are described below. Specific end points, or desired conditions at the completion of U.S. work, are identified for each area.
The end points were developed with an eye toward balancing the need to reduce significant risks without encouraging the extension of reactor lifetimes. Thus, the older reactors, which have safety deficiencies inherent in their design, receive more safety upgrades to prevent accidents. Other technology areas, such as training and safety parameter display systems, are applicable across all reactor designs. However, none of the safety projects extends the plants' life-limiting components, such as the pressure tube interface with graphite material in the RBMK reactor core. In addition, the U.S. contribution to the safety work is a fraction of the resources the host country governments themselves apply to continue operating the reactors. Thus, the comparatively small U.S. contribution of safety support is not the basis for the decision by the host country governments to continue operating the plants. The host country representatives often have stated that the plants must continue to operate to provide urgently needed heat and electricity, as well as jobs, for surrounding communities. 7.6 Measuring PerformancePerformance is measured in two ways. One is the traditional project management approach of setting and achieving milestones for accomplishing key tasks. In this way, progress is measured by identifying the milestones completed. However, progress is only a partial measurement because it does not indicate the effect of the work. Therefore, a second measurement is necessary, which involves measuring the effectiveness of the work. For each of the six major technical areas, one or more end points have been set, as described in the previous section, "Technical Areas and End Points." The Strategy Document in Appendix E of this report provides more detail about the goals, end points, and corresponding rationale for each technical area. Effectiveness is measured by determining proximity to the goal in each technical area. These measurements will be determined at least once per year and documented in an annual Performance Measurement Report.
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