Final Agenda
Loy Henderson Conference Room, U.S. Department of State
Washington, D.C. - November 9 and 10, 1998
Ukrainian registration is Monday, November 9, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
U.S. registration is Monday, November 9, from noon to 2:00 p.m.
All presentations will be translated simultaneously.
Monday, November 9

9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Ukrainian Participant Workshop - What Is the U.S. Market for Commercial Nuclear Products?
This workshop will be presented solely for the Ukrainian participants. A panel of U.S. experts will present information about different segments of the U.S. nuclear market, followed by a discussion period. Ukrainian participants can ask questions about general issues such as gaining access to the market, marketing and advertising techniques, and financing issues. In addition, this section will highlight some of the problems start-up companies in this country have experienced as well as
opportunities for joint ventures with U.S. companies.
Mr. Marvin Fertel, Vice President
Nuclear Energy Institute of the United States
Workshop Keynote: An Overview of the U.S. Nuclear Industry
Mr. Joel Gingold, Vice President
Stoller Nuclear Fuel, a division of NAC International
The Nuclear Fuel Industry and its Special Relationship to the U.S. Market (view presentation)
Mr. Guy Davis and Ms. Joan Davis, Directors
How to Succeed in Starting a Nuclear Service Business: The Basics of Business
Mr. David Marcelli
Duke Engineering
Spent Fuel Management and the Challenges of Working in Ukraine
Mr. Johnathan Berman, Director of Strategic Projects
International Executive Service Corps/American Business Linkage Enterprise
The U.S. Nuclear Industry's Perception of Ukraine and Its Approach to International Partnering
Mr. Andrew Bihun
U.S. Foreign Commercial Service
The FCS Role in Assisting Ukrainian Companies Overcome Trade Barriers with the United States - with special emphasis on using more effective communication links
Representative from a U.S. Utility
Nuclear Power Plant Operations
12:30 to 1:45 p.m. Informal Lunch for Workshop Participants and Presenters
2:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Session 1
Commercial Opportunities in Ukraine's Nuclear Industry and Opportunities for Market
Honorable Yuri I. Kostenko, Chairman
Verkhovna Rada (Parliament); Parliamentary Sub-committee on Nuclear Power
Overview of Ukraine's Nuclear Industry
Mr. Richard Stratford
U.S. Department of State
The 123 Agreement for Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy between the United States and Ukraine: Opportunities for New Directions in Nuclear Commerce (view presentation)
Developing Alternative Sources of Nuclear Fuel
Mr. Nur Nigmatullin, President
EnergoAtom - Ukraine National Nuclear Generating Company
1. Western and Indigenous Options
2. Instrument and Controls Modernization Project for the Operating Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants
Mr. Anatoly Chernov, Ukrainian Ministry of Energy
Alternative Nuclear Fuel Sources Development Project (view presentation)
3:45 to 4:00 p.m. Break
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Radioactive Waste Management
Mr. Volodymyr Kholosha, Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations
Ukrainian National Policy and Standards
Chornobyl Shelter Implementation Project (SIP)
Mr. Valentin Kupny, Deputy General Director
Shelter Object, Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Status of SIP (view presentation)
Honorable Mikhailo Pavlovsky, Member
Verkhovna Rada (Parliament)
New Technologies of Radioactive Waste Management in Relation to the Safety of Shelter
6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Reception for All Conference Participants
Hosted by the Honorable Yuri Shcherbak, Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States; Embassy of Ukraine; 3350 M Street N.W.
Tuesday, November 10

8:30 to 8:50 a.m.
Session 2
Introductions and Theme of the Conference
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Honorable Yuri Shcherbak, Ambassador
Embassy of Ukraine
Welcome Remarks (view presentation)
Ms. Rose Gottemoeller, Director
Office of Nonproliferation and National Security, U.S. Department of Energy
Remarks (view presentation)
8:50 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Session 3
Trade and Investment Opportunities with Ukraine's Nuclear Energy
8:50 to 9:10 a.m.
Overview of Ukraine's Nuclear Industry
Mr. Mikhail P. Umanets, First Deputy
Minister of Energy
Ukraine's Nuclear Energy Complex: Status and Developments (view presentation)
9:10 to 10:30 a.m.
Ukrainian Nuclear Exports - Goods and Services Presentations of Ukrainian Companies
Dr. Richard Libby,
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
International Nuclear Safety Program
U.S.-Ukraine Fuel Qualification Project (view presentation)
Mr. Anatoly Mukhachev, Director
SE Zirconium
Zirconium Production in Ukraine: Planning for Development (view presentation)
SSPE Zirconium Production Offerings (view paper: pdf)
Mr. Mikhailo Babak, General Director
VosGOK Eastern Mining and Milling Company
Uranium Production in Ukraine
Mr. Ganna Luchna
Zaporizhya NPP, Ukraine
Spent Fuel Management Systems
Mr. Victor Dyadyus, Head
Main Department Heavy Machine Building, Ministry of Industrial Policies
Ukrainian Machine Building Complex: Status and Further Development (view presentation)
Mr. Evgen Kozik, General Manager
Ukrainian National Foreign Economic Corporation - Tyazhmashimpex
Opportunities of Corporation "Tyazhmashimpex" in Power Industry (view presentation)
Mr. Yuri Rykunich, Director
Kyiv Central Design Bureau of Valves
Leader of Ukrainian Valve-Building
10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Nuclear Machine Building, Goods and Services from Kharkiv Region Companies
Mr. Oleksandr Asmolov,
Overview of the Company (view presentation: pdf)
Mr. Mikhail Chernyshov, General Director
Khartron / Westron
General Information (view presentation: pdf)
Mr. Volodymyr Timoshchenkov
ElektroTyazMash State Scientific & Production Enterprise
Overview of the Company (view presentation)
Mr. Volodymyr Gritsenko, Chief Engineer
MONOLIT Production Association
Design and Production Potential of Kharkiv State Amalgamation MONOLIT (view presentation: pdf)
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The Capabilities of Ukraine's Scientific Support Organizations for the Nuclear Energy Industry
Dr. Volodymyr Lapshin, Director
Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology
Mr. Volodymyr Ostashko, Scientific Secretary
Kyiv Institute for Nuclear Research
Ms. Vira Vakrusheva, Marketing Director
State Piping Institute
Potential of Ukrainian Enterprises Engaged in Scientific and Technical Support of the National Nuclear Industry (view presentation)
Mr. Victor Yanovski, Director
Nuclear Regulatory Administration Quality Center
Licensing and Regulatory Process in Ukraine's Nuclear Industry (view presentation)
General Analysis of Certification Procedure to be applied for foreign Equipment to nuclear facilities in Ukraine (view presentation: pdf)
State Enterprise State Quality Centre for Regulation of Supplies and Services of the Certification Body (CERTATOM) (view presentation: pdf)
Mr. Anatoly Sokolov, Director
Kyiv EnergoProject Institute
Presentation of Open Joint-Stock Company - "Kyiv Institute Energoproject" (view presentation: pdf)
Mr. Valeriy Glygalo, Director
International Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology
Mr. Petro L. Stadnyk, Deputy Director
Institute of Single Crystals
Scintillation Crystals for Different Engineering Applications (view presentation: pdf)
Dr. Volodymyr Ryzhikov, Director
Research and Technology Center for Radiation Instrument Engineering, Institute of Single Crystals
Abstract - New Generation of Radiation Monitoring Devices Based on Scintillator-photodiode Detectors and Oxide Scintillator Detectors: Status and Development Prospects (view abstract) (view paper: pdf)
1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Buffet Lunch
2:00 to 4:45 p.m.
Session 4
New Directions in Ukrainian Energy Economics
2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Small Ukrainian Companies Interested in Working with the U.S. Nuclear Industry
Mr. Igor Klimenko, Technical Director
IVL Equipment & Engineering
Company Overview (view presentation)
Mr. Jacob Barsuk, Managing Director
INIT Information and Technologies (view presentation: pdf)
Mr. Valeriy Degtyarov, Projects Director
ASKEN Fire Door Company
Mr. Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Deputy General Director
Company Overview and examples of technologies (view presentation: pdf)
Ms. Galyna Kazymyrova, Director
Company Overview (view presentation) (view paper: pdf)
Mr. Volodymyr Rozhkov
GammaTech, Ukrainian-Russian JV
Company Overview (view presentation)
3:00 to 3:45 p.m.
The Capabilities of Ukraine's Scientific Support Organizations for the Nuclear Energy Industry
Mr. Boris Tarasyuk, General Director
State Technical and Emergency Center of Ukraine
Mr. Volodymyr Storizhko, Institute of Applied Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Mr. Leonid Solodovnik, Head of Mass Spectrometry Systems Department
Institute of Low-Temperature Physics
Proposals for Nuclear Power Engineering (view presentation)
Inquiries about the Main Development of SR&DB for NPPs (view presentation: pdf)
Turning Applied Research into World-class Products (view presentation)
3:45 to 4:45 p.m.
The Trade and Investment Environment Progress on International Liability: Ratification of the Vienna Convention, Signature of the Convention on Supplemental Compensation, and Passage of Domestic Liability Legislation
Mr. Petro Shmarin, Deputy Head
Presidential Committee on Nuclear Policy and Environmental Safety
Mr. Omer Brown, Attorney, and Mr. Ben McRea, U.S. Department of Energy
Significant Progress in Ukraine's Nuclear Liability Regime (view presentation)
Honorable Mikhailo Pavlovsky, Member
Verkhovna Rada (Parliament)
Ukrainian Tax System and Legal Infrastructure for Contract Enforcement
Mr. Yaroslav Voytko, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of Ukraine
Legal Infrastructure for Operations in Foreign Economic Activities. Restrictions in Trade with Products and Materials of Nuclear Industry (view presentation)
Business Development Prospects in the Slavutych Economic Zone
Deputy Mayor Volodymyr Zhygallo
City of Slavutych
Mr. Oleg V. Bendikov, Representative
Cabinet of Ministers
4:45 to 5:45 p.m.
Session 5
Investing in Ukraine's Energy Sector:
Panel of Investment Banks and Funds with Regional Experience
4:45 to 5:30 p.m.
Practical Aspects of Obtaining Public and Private Sector Financing for Trade and Investment
Mr. Mark Kalenak
American Chamber of Commerce, Kyiv
Mr. Harold J. Schroeder, Former Board Member
Western NIS Enterprise Fund
Ms. Juliana Kinal
Business Information Service for the Newly Independent States (BISNIS), U.S. Department of Commerce (view presentation)
5:30 to 5:45 p.m. Question & Answer Session
5:45 to 6:00 p.m.
Session 6
Closing Remarks
Honorable Mikhailo Kovolko, Chairman
Verkhovna Rada (Parliament); Parliament Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Nuclear Policy and Nuclear Safety
Closing Remarks
For additional information, please contact Michael Congdon at
(202) 646-5285 or michael.congdon@pnl.gov