- Key computer and input/output system components for the Kalinin VVER-1000 full-scope simulator were delivered. The simulator is scheduled for completion in April 2000.
- Operator exchanges that trained plant personnel to develop improved operating safety procedures and practices were completed.
- As part of the first phase of transferring the Systematic Approach to Training methodology and training materials developed at the Balakovo Training Center to the Kalinin plant, a pilot course on laser shaft alignment was developed and implemented. Instructors from the plant were trained in the Systematic Approach to Training methodology and in instructor skills.
- Design, development, and implementation of the training courses in mechanical maintenance and rotating equipment alignment were completed.
- Course-specific laser shaft-alignment equipment was provided and integrated into the laser shaft-alignment training course.
- A workshop on certification of full-scope simulators for nuclear power plants was conducted for the staff of Kalinin, Kola, and Novovoronezh nuclear power plants.