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Kalinin : | Operating History | Technical Activities | Accomplishments |

Kalinin Operating History

According to Kalinin management, some 40 improvements to safety and reliability have been made at the plant since it began operating, including the replacement of half-length control rods by full-length control rods and the modification of steam generator blowdown.

A team of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that visited the plant in July 1994 reported two operational events classified as Level 2 on the International Nuclear Event Scale ; both occurred in 1990.

An IAEA inspection of the Kalinin plant in 1994 identified pending safety problems in two areas. Control of reactivity and cooling of fuel. These problems were attributed to five factors: reliability of instrumentation and control equipment, reliability of sealing of emergency core cooling system pumps, verification of maintenance work, reliability of operators' actions, and control rod insertion time.

The two operating units had an average availability factor of 68 percent for the first six months of 1994, and an average availability factor of 70 percent for the period 1989-1993.

The Russian government had planned to complete Kalinin's third unit--a VVER-1000 --in 1996, but in early 1995 a Rosenergoatom official said that a lack of funds was preventing its completion. He added that Russia was trying to obtain $200 million in funding from several Italian banks and the U.S. company Westinghouse. Construction on a fourth unit at the site has been halted.

Source: Source Book: Soviet-Designed Nuclear Power Plants in Russia, Ukrane, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary, and Bulgaria, 4th edition. Nuclear Energy Institute. 1996. (online)

Kalinin : | Operating History | Technical Activities | Accomplishments |


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