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Kalinin : | Operating History | Technical Activities | Accomplishments |

Technical/Upgrading Activities

Issues being addressed at the Kalinin plant include the installation of a control-room simulator, replacement of the plant's steam generators, and upgrade of fire protection equipment.


The computer components for a full-scope simulator for the Kalinin plant are being provided by S3 Technologies. The program began in May 1995 and is scheduled for completion in March 1999. The computer complex consists of servers, workstations, personal computers, and accessories. Because a more sophisticated modeling package is being used for the Kalinin simulator, an advanced three-dimensional (3D) thermal-hydraulics capability was presented to BNL staff by S3 Technologies. The functuality of the software package was demonstrated by using a generic VVER-1000 model.

Specifications for the simulator were provided by VNIIAES; the power supply and computer/control board communication systems were provided by General Energy Technology, Inc. The DOE, PNNL, and BNL have provided technical oversight and assisted with testing. Simulator development for Kalinin was made possible by funding through DOE.

Steam Generator Replacements and Upgrades

Kalinin management has announced preparations for replacing the plant's steam generators. A steam-generator tube inspection/repair manipulator has been obtained from the French company Framatome.

Safety Assessments/ Emergency Preparedness

Operators and regulators have been trained in the Assessment of Safety Significant Events Team (ASSET) methodology to identify safety issues, assess their consequences, and eliminate the root causes of likely future accidents and incidents. An emergency preparedness local crisis center is being planned for the Kalinin plant, involving Russian and U.S. emergency preparedness experts and agencies.

Fire Protection Equipment

Promatec, a U.S. firm, has provided products for passive fire protection (penetration seal and cable coating technology), after they passed the nuclear test standards in a Russian test facility. Promatec has provided materials and technology at the Kursk and Balakovo plants, as well as at Kalinin. Three pilot projects were completed in 1995 at those three plants.

Kalinin : | Operating History | Technical Activities | Accomplishments |


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The content was last modified on 01/25/99 .

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