Important Note: This website contains historical data from the INSP project. As of 2004 the site is no longer maintained and certain sections do not work correctly.
UkraineSouth Ukraine to Develop Emergency Operating Instructions U.S. team members from PNNL and SAIC visited South Ukraine NPP to foster development of symptom-based emergency operating instructions (EOIs). Joining the U.S. representatives were EOI specialists from Zaporizhzhya NPP. During the visit September 27 through October 1, the team presented an introduction to the methodology, the basics of Westinghouse-based EOIs, and the analytical validation of the procedures. Zaporizhzhya specialists presented their experience in developing the procedures. Symptom-based EOIs allow rapid response to symptoms, even before the cause of an emergency is determined. The rapid response can be a critical factor in resolving an emergency. South Ukraine NPP management decided to develop EOIs, which will have a side benefit of allowing full use of the newly installed safety parameter display system (SPDS). South Ukraine NPP management estimated that they would finish the development of their EOIs within 1.5 years. This includes all necessary steps through validation and training.
Also, as part of this trip the U.S. team provided Zaporizhzhya staff with an analytical validation template that includes all the necessary information for the analyst. Ukraine's newly approved regulation related to EOIs will help support the regulatory approval of the EOIs under development. (Dennis Meyers, DOE, 301-903-1418; Larry Sherfey, PNNL, 509-372-4080) Modifications Proposed for Simulator Instructor Training Course A week-long simulator instructor training course is being expanded to incorporate additional training topics and exercises at the request of Ukrainian plant representatives. The course previously was presented to Ukrainian nuclear power plant organizations to facilitate the use of full-scope simulators. U.S. training specialists from Sonalysts, Inc., and Human Performance Analysis Corporation worked with plant representatives and technical specialists from the Engineering and Technical Center for the Training of Nuclear Industry Personnel (ETC) in Kyiv September 20 through 25 to identify areas for course expansion. Before the working session, Sonalysts training specialists provided their Ukrainian counterparts with a proposed modified outline for the expanded course. The proposed outline increased the course from one week to two weeks and included additional technical sessions and exercises. The U.S. and Ukrainian training specialists finalized the modified outline and determined roles and responsibilities in preparing materials for the revised course.
The activity is focusing on assisting in the development of improved simulator training methods and training expertise within Ukraine. The U.S. team is supporting Ukraine in the installation of full-scope simulators at each nuclear power plant site. An important component of ensuring that the simulators are used effectively is to ensure that simulator instructors are trained properly. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Joe Cleary, PNNL, 509-372-4094) Shelter-Specific Safety Training Implemented for Chornobyl Workers A pilot implementation of the General Employee Safety Training (GEST) program for personnel who work at the Chornobyl Shelter took place in late September at the Slavutych Laboratory for International Research and Technology. The pilot program, developed for Shelter workers who already have received basic safety training, emphasizes Shelter-specific hazards and safety requirements. The unique environment of the Shelter, coupled with the large number of personnel from a variety of organizations working within that environment, has presented a training challenge to Shelter management. The United States is providing support through the development of this training course to improve worker knowledge and understanding of the safety issues encountered in the Shelter environment. As part of the GEST program, workers were provided with pocket-sized safety booklets containing information on hazards and safety. The booklets also will serve as the workers' documentation of course completion. Based on the pilot program implementation, Shelter personnel will be provided with feedback from U.S. participants as well as Shelter workers that can be used to further improve the program. It is expected that following the pilot program implementation, any necessary modifications to the program materials will be made and the GEST program eventually will be provided to all Shelter workers prior to performance of work in the Shelter. Shelter personnel plan to convert the conventional paper- and video-based training program into a computer-based training program to further facilitate training the large number of anticipated trainees.
A U.S. training specialist from Path Training worked with training specialists from the Shelter and the Slavutych Laboratory to develop materials for the pilot program. Trainees from the Shelter provided feedback on the program. In addition, a U.S. training specialist from Human Performance Analysis Corporation observed and evaluated the program implementation. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; George Vargo, PNNL, 509-375-6836) Rivne In-Depth Safety Assessment Project Undergoes Review
Specialists at Rivne NPP, its Ukrainian subcontractor Energorisk, and U.S. team members from SCIENTECH, and Argonne National Laboratory conducted a project review meeting at Rivne NPP September 21-23. The review was held in conjunction with SCIENTECH's quality assurance audits of work done by Energorisk and Rivne NPP analysts for the Rivne in-depth safety assessment. Transfer of modern quality assurance (QA) technology and experience in its practical use are essential elements to improvement of safety. The project review meeting gave the U.S. participants an opportunity to demonstrate use of QA techniques to achieve progress in the Rivne safety assessment work. (Walter Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628; Charles Dickerman, ANL, 630-252-4622) Rivne Completes Data Collection for Plant Reliability Database
Specialists at Rivne NPP and its Ukrainian subcontractor Energorisk completed collecting the data needed to populate the reliability database on Unit 1 for the Rivne in-depth safety assessment. U.S. contractor SCIENTECH provided technical assistance to the Ukrainian team. The completed reliability database, consisting of the Common Cause Failure Notebook in Russian, the Failure Probability Notebook in Russian, internal verification for both notebooks, and an English-language summary report of the two notebooks, was accepted during the week of September 13. This database documents the available information on the reliability of equipment at Rivne's twin Units 1 and 2, including appropriate generic reliability data for this equipment. These data are essential for the completion of the Rivne in-depth safety assessment Level 1 PRA. (Walter Pasedag, DOE, 301-903-3628; Charles Dickerman, ANL, 630-252-4622) Chornobyl Dose Reduction Project Nears Completion The Chornobyl Dose Reduction Project progressed toward completion with the finalization of equipment deliveries, turnover, and training on equipment. Accomplishments in September included
Delayed project activities include
The U.S. team is preparing a project closure plan to provide for turnover of the technical and purchasing specifications to the Project Management Unit (PMU) for the Shelter Implementation Plan (SIP). This will ensure that future purchases by the SIP-PMU are compatible with equipment and systems provided under the bilateral project. (Riaz Awan, DOE, 301-903-2687; George Vargo, PNNL, 509-375-6836) Chornobyl Workers Complete Dose-Reduction Equipment Training
In mid-September, U.S. specialists from PNNL provided engineered controls training to Chornobyl NPP workers on the use of equipment provided under the Shelter Dose Reduction Project. Specialists with LANCS Industries provided technical assistance with the equipment for the training sessions. The training consisted of evaluation, setup and use of contamination control containments (tents), portable HEPA-filtered ventilation units, and HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaners. Training consisted of two days of seminars followed by hands-on training and evaluation. The training was completed successfully, and the newly trained Chornobyl NPP workers now are proficient in the use of this equipment. Additionally, the PNNL team supported maintenance work on an existing telemetric dosimeter, restoring it to service. (Riaz Awan, DOE, 301-903-2687; George Vargo, PNNL, 509-375-6836) |
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