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Ukraine![]() Full-Scope Simulators Outfitted with Safety Parameter Display Systems
Safety parameter display systems replicating the actual main control room hardware have been installed and tested successfully in the full-scope simulators at Khmelnytskyy and Zaporizhzhya NPPs. This hardware/software will enhance operator training on the simulators at the two plant sites. The equipment will be especially useful in the application and monitoring of critical safety functions contained in the operating instructions under development for Zaporizhzhya NPP. Installation of similar hardware is being planned for South Ukraine Units 1 and 3 and Rivne Unit 3 during the next 3 years. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Kent Faris, PNNL, 509-372-4068) Safety Parameter Display System Installations Moving Toward Completion Progress continues on the effort to provide SPDSs for Ukraine's 11 VVER-1000 reactor units. In October, staff at Zaporizhzhya Unit 5 completed the site acceptance test for the new SPDS as Unit 5 returned to power from an extended outage. Zaporizhzhya Unit 5 and Khmelnytskyy Unit 1 are serving as pilot plants for the Ukrainian installations. Safety parameter display system installations also were completed at Khmelnytskyy Unit 1 and South Ukraine Unit 1 in recent months. During the week of November 1, specialists from Burns & Roe, Westinghouse Electric Company, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and several Ukrainian organizations will participate in final system acceptance and turnover ceremonies at these three nuclear power plants.
In related work, the factory acceptance tests for the Rivne Unit 3 SPDS were completed successfully at Westron facilities in Kharkiv September 15 through 17. The SPDSs at Rivne Unit 3, South Ukraine Unit 2, and Zaporizhzhya Unit 3 are scheduled for installation by the end of 1999. In September and October, orders were placed for three new systems-at South Ukraine Unit 3, Zaporizhzhya Unit 2, and Zaporizhzhya Unit 4-for installation in 2000. (Norman Fletcher, DOE, 301-903-3275; Frank Panisko, PNNL, 509-372-4472) Zaporizhzhya and Rivne Managers Participate in Quality Assurance Seminars Energoatom, the utility responsible for nuclear power plants in Ukraine, led two quality assurance (QA) seminars for plant management in October. One was held at Zaporizhzhya NPP October 11 through 13; the other was held at Rivne NPP October 19 and 20. The Energoatom QA manager described the basis for the program that has been developed for use at all Ukrainian nuclear power plants. An Energoatom QA engineer reviewed the development of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety codes and discussed the QA safety code in detail. In addition to QA specialists from Energoatom and the plants, presenters included a project manager from the Nuclear Power Plant Operational Support Institute, a Chornobyl NPP QA manager, a consultant from INIT, and a consultant and interpreter from British Energy. Also, the head of QA at Zaporizhzhya participated in the Rivne seminar. The presentations described the implementation plan and experience with QA programs at the various plants and companies represented. The British Energy representative noted that QA implementation made British nuclear power plants not only safer but more cost-effective and profitable.
The seminars are an important step in expanding the involvement of key personnel in implementing the new Energoatom QA program based on IAEA safety code methodology. Consistent implementation at Ukraine's nuclear power plants will improve plant safety by improving the quality of work and reducing errors. (Dennis Meyers, DOE, 301-903-1418; Lief Erickson, PNNL, 509-372-4097) Contract Placed for Zaporizhzhya Unit 1 Simulator
A contract was placed in October with GSE Power Systems to complete the development of the full-scope simulator for Zaporizhzhya Unit 1. The plant originally had funded this project, but the contract was cancelled due to financial constraints. DOE has agreed to fund the completion of the simulator. The estimated completion date is July 2001. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Joe Cleary, PNNL, 509-372-4094) Seminar on Personnel Training Held in Kyiv
A one-week seminar was held in Kyiv October 19 through 22 to discuss plans for improving the Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant Personnel Training System. Training specialists from the Engineering and Technical Center for the Training of Nuclear Industry Personnel (ETC), Energoatom, Main State Inspectorate, State Scientific and Technical Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Sevastopol Institute, Ukraine's nuclear power plants, and Balakovo NPP participated. U.S. team members from DOE, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Human Performance Analysis Corporation also participated in the seminar. Training specialists from the ETC in Kyiv hosted the seminar and made presentations on the status of the development of industry training standards and guidelines. Other Ukrainian participants presented their input to the ETC regarding the feasibility of implementing the standards and guidelines and provided feedback on their improvement. U.S. participants and those from Balakovo NPP made presentations on their experiences in the development and implementation of industry training standards and provided feedback regarding the draft standards and guidelines. The U.S. team is working with Ukraine to develop a national infrastructure to support the development and use of the Systematic Approach to Training for training nuclear power plant personnel. (John Yoder, DOE, 301-903-5650; Don Draper, PNNL, 509-372-4079) |
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